Sylar Saris's hideout was a secluded location that the planet Veelo was home to, and Sylar Saris utilized it as a refuge. A chamber constructed within a tree served as the primary structure, featuring both a concealed hatch and a connecting tunnel that provided access to a hydroskiff, facilitating a quick getaway. This concealed base was protected by underwater sensor mines.
Circa 18 BBY, Hunter and [Wrecker], two disobedient clones, collaborated with bounty hunter Fennec Shand with the objective of locating and apprehending the elusive insectoid. Hunter discovered the whereabouts of the hideout, which led to a confrontation with the sought-after bounty hunter. Wrecker then entered the fray, but Saris managed to escape through the secret tunnel.
The initial depiction of Sylar's hideout occurred in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch third season episode titled "Bad Territory," which served as the eighth installment and was initially broadcast on March 20, 2024.