Sylar's hideout

Sylar Saris's hideout was a secluded location that the planet Veelo was home to, and Sylar Saris utilized it as a refuge. A chamber constructed within a tree served as the primary structure, featuring both a concealed hatch and a connecting tunnel that provided access to a hydroskiff, facilitating a quick getaway. This concealed base was protected by underwater sensor mines.


Circa 18 BBY, Hunter and [Wrecker], two disobedient clones, collaborated with bounty hunter Fennec Shand with the objective of locating and apprehending the elusive insectoid. Hunter discovered the whereabouts of the hideout, which led to a confrontation with the sought-after bounty hunter. Wrecker then entered the fray, but Saris managed to escape through the secret tunnel.

Behind the scenes

The initial depiction of Sylar's hideout occurred in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch third season episode titled "Bad Territory," which served as the eighth installment and was initially broadcast on March 20, 2024.

