Bad Territory

The eighth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season is called "Bad Territory". It originally aired on March 20, 2024.

Official description

Hunter and Wrecker, in dire need of intelligence, pursue a perilous bounty hunter.

Plot summary

The Enigma of the M-count

Omega voices her frustration about remaining hidden on Pabu island's Archium, following their escape from Teth. Despite her desire to aid Echo and Rex, Crosshair assures Omega that her safety is paramount. Hunter concurs, emphasizing the necessity of understanding Royce Hemlock's motives and the significance of his M-count experiments. He insists that Omega remain concealed. Wrecker then announces an incoming transmission from Phee Genoa.

Crosshair inquires about Phee's identity, prompting Omega to describe her as a liberator and pirate. Omega affectionately pets Batcher. Later, aboard the Marauder, Genoa briefs the Bad Batch on her findings regarding the mysterious M-count. Though its exact meaning remains elusive, Genoa reveals that elite bounty hunters have been tasked by the Empire with capturing individuals possessing the M-count. Genoa proposes seeking information from a bounty hunter regarding the nature of the M-count.

Hunter notes their previous encounters with bounty hunters. When Omega brings up Fennec Shand, Crosshair is unfamiliar with her. Hunter clarifies that Shand is a bounty hunter previously employed by the Kaminoans to capture Omega. Despite her dangerous reputation, Hunter believes she could provide valuable assistance. Genoa offers to help locate Shand, but cautions that it will come at a price, before she departs. Wrecker expresses his distrust of Shand. Hunter declares that he and Wrecker will seek out Shand, while Omega and Crosshair remain on Pabu. Despite Omega's objections, Hunter's decision is final. Before departing, he urges Omega to persuade Crosshair to seek treatment for his injured hand.

Negotiating with Fennec Shand

Hunter and Wrecker pilot the Marauder to a space station known as a haven for outlaws and bounty hunters. Hunter advises Wrecker to be discreet with Shand, emphasizing the importance of revealing as little as possible. A fight erupts among the station's patrons. The two clones locate Shand engaged in negotiations with a Rodian at a table. The clones interrupt the Rodian's negotiations to speak with Shand, who recognizes them from a past attempt to capture Omega.

When Shand inquires about Omega, Hunter clarifies that they are seeking information. Shand states that her services come at a cost, before dismissing the Rodian. Getting straight to the point, Shand asks them to specify the information or target they seek, and she will quote a price. Hunter inquires about the Empire's bounty for individuals with the M-count. While Shand is not involved in these hunts, she claims to know another bounty hunter who does hunt for M-count targets. Although it will be expensive, she suggests they can come to an arrangement.

Recognizing Wrecker's expertise in demolitions and Hunter's tracking abilities, she proposes providing the information in exchange for their assistance in capturing a target. Hunter accepts the deal. Shand also establishes additional terms, including the use of her starship and the retention of both the target and the reward.

Crosshair's Injury

Back on Pabu, AZI-345211896246498721347 examines Crosshair's hand, but concludes that he lacks the means to treat it. He suggests the problem might stem from psychological factors rather than physical ones. AZI-3 postulates that if Crosshair could provide more details about the experiments he endured, he might be able to offer assistance. Crosshair, unwilling to relive past trauma, abruptly ends the session, much to Omega's disappointment.

Working for Fennec

Aboard Fennec Shand's starship, Wrecker questions their decision to work with Shand, given their distrust of her. Hunter explains that they have no alternative, as they require information about M-counts. Hunter cautions Wrecker to be prepared for any eventuality. Shortly thereafter, Fennec emerges from the cockpit and asserts that she will uphold her end of the bargain, provided they do the same. She briefs the clones on their target: Sylar Saris, a member of a Yam'rii subspecies known as the "Slayer of Ordo Eris." Shand explains that they received a tip regarding his location. When Wrecker asks about Saris's crimes, Shand reveals that he betrayed the Haxion Brood by killing two top bosses and stealing a cache of credits. Shand notes that previous hunters who pursued Saris have vanished. Shand acknowledges Sylar's intimate knowledge of the planet, but asserts that everyone's luck eventually runs out.

The clones and Shand journey to a polluted, orange-tinged planet where breath masks are necessary outdoors. Upon disembarking, Shand approaches a DUM-series pit droid and requests a sturdy boat that won't capsize, unlike her previous experience. The pit droid provides them with a skiff for ten credits. The trio navigate a river in search of Saris's safe house, which is located upstream. Shand assigns Hunter the task of locating Saris's safe house, while Wrecker is responsible for watching out for danger.

As they proceed upstream, they encounter a path obstructed by numerous mines. At Shand's direction, Hunter and Wrecker enter the murky water to scout ahead. Wrecker suggests bypassing the mines, but Shand argues that Saris anticipates this and has likely set a trap. She proposes disarming each of the mines. Wrecker acknowledges the risk, but Shand reminds them of their agreement. The two clones separate and begin disarming the mines.

Lingering Trauma

Back on Pabu, Crosshair practices his aim, but is frustrated by his inability to hit the target consistently. Omega attempts to encourage him, but Crosshair insists on achieving perfection. Omega suggests that AZI may be correct in attributing his difficulties to his imprisonment at Tantiss Base. Omega expresses her hope that Crosshair will regain full use of his hand and suggests that he is the one who has to fix it. Omega urges Crosshair to trust her, while Batcher observes nearby. Crosshair reluctantly agrees to try Omega's plan.

Reptilian Peril

Meanwhile, Hunter and Wrecker successfully disable the remaining mines, but the group is ambushed by several large, crocodile-like reptiles. Shand manages to shoot several of the creatures, and the clones board the skiff. One of the reptiles seizes Hunter and pulls him back into the water. Wrecker assists Hunter in fighting off the creature. The trio escape aboard their skiff and continue upstream. They are attacked by another reptile, but Wrecker throws it under their skiff. Shand remarks that this is why she avoids going underwater.

Continuing their journey into the night, Saris's trail grows cold. Frustrated by Hunter's inability to track the fugitive, Shand questions the clones' competence. Wrecker retorts that Omega was able to evade her, prompting Shand to point out their difficulty in finding Omega. When Shand inquires about Omega's whereabouts, Hunter asks why she is interested in Omega. Shand states that the information must be of great importance to them, given their willingness to work for her, considering their history.

Pursuit and Apprehension

Shand also reveals that she didn't lose Omega, but that her client terminated the bounty, believing she would be safer with the Bad Batch. When Shand mocks their ability to protect Omega, Wrecker counters that Shand is motivated by money. Shand admits that she accepts jobs from anyone who can pay. When Hunter asserts that there is more to life than money, Shand mocks him for his lack of wealth.

Hunter detects a trail and instructs Shand to steer the skiff to its starboard side. Continuing along the river, they spot a structure on the riverbank. Shand sends the clones to scout the area, while she remains behind to maintain watch. Wrecker remarks that she is claiming the reward while they are taking all the risks. Shand agrees with Wrecker's assessment of their business arrangement.

Hunter ascends a treehouse, but is ambushed by Sylar Saris. The two engage in hand-to-hand combat. Saris gains the advantage until Wrecker intervenes. Cornered, Saris flees into a trapdoor that appears to lead underground. When Shand leaves the skiff to assist the clones, Saris sneaks aboard the vehicle and attempts to escape. However, Shand had disabled the cable to the rear engines. Shand confronts Saris and attempts to stun the Yam'rii. The stun blast deflects off his thick exoskeleton. He leaps over Shand and throws her into the water.

Saris attempts to flee, but is attacked by Wrecker, who grapples with him. Saris temporarily blinds the clone by spitting on his helmet. Before he can escape, he is stunned by Hunter and Shand, who fire several shots. Wrecker concedes that Shand was right to bring them along. Shand replies that she is always right, and the group departs with their incapacitated fugitive.

Meditation Session

Back on Pabu, Omega guides Crosshair in a meditation session by the sea. Batcher rests nearby. Crosshair is skeptical, but agrees to participate. They both sit cross-legged and practice deep breathing. Omega explains that she learned meditation from the Wookiee Jedi Gungi and his people. When Crosshair asks if she has been to Kashyyyk, she says he has missed a lot. Omega instructs Crosshair to close his eyes and focus.

Altered Terms

Back at the space station, Hunter requests that Shand honor her side of the agreement. Shand claims that she lacks information about the M-count, but will investigate after delivering Saris to her clients. Hunter points out that this contradicts her initial promise. Shand tells Hunter and Wrecker to either trust her or challenge her. They opt to trust her and await her contact. Shand departs aboard her starship.

Once inside her starship's cockpit, Shand activates the holoprojector and informs an unidentified figure that she completed a job with some clones who were interested in the Empire’s M-count bounties. The figure mutters in an incomprehensible language. Shand replies that she is confident they can easily track the clones and promises to send any relevant information she obtains.


