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"The Harbinger" marks the ninth installment of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season. It was initially broadcast on March 27, 2024.
On Pabu, Wrecker and Crosshair lend assistance to a local in loading a fishing vessel. Hunter then informs them that he hasn't received any communication from Fennec Shand. Although Crosshair is of the opinion that they should be actively seeking answers, Hunter posits that Shand's contact might provide insights into the nature of an M-count and the reasons behind the Galactic Empire's pursuit of Omega. Crosshair dismisses its importance, but Hunter insists on the need for preparation.
In a parallel scene, Omega and Batcher are engaged in play on a rocky shoreline when the lurca hound trails some moon-yos into a cavern. Inside, Omega discovers a peculiar starship. As a pale woman sneaks up behind Omega, Batcher flees the cave. Batcher then hastens to the Bad Batch to lead them back to the cavern, where they find the mysterious woman forcibly escorting Omega.
Upon being confronted by the Bad Batch, the woman releases Omega. She scolds the clones for their conspicuousness, focusing her attention on Omega. When Crosshair demands to know her identity, the woman reveals that she was dispatched by Fennec Shand. Hunter expresses his displeasure that Shand's contact located them despite the lack of coordinate sharing. The woman is cognizant of their interest in the M-count, which she characterizes as perilous. She requests to know why they are seeking information about the M-count as recompense for revealing its secrets. When Hunter retorts that they already compensated Shand for this information, the woman presents them with a take-it-or-leave-it proposition.
Omega clarifies that their interest in the M-count stems from the Empire's search for a "friend" to be used in a clandestine experiment linked to the M-count. The woman suggests that the M-count is a component present in the blood of all living organisms. Individuals with elevated M-counts were believed to possess a greater capacity to manipulate the Force.
When Hunter inquires whether this relates to the Jedi, Omega questions whether the woman is implying that she is a Jedi. The woman counters that her blood composition does not make her a Jedi, but rather training. The woman states that Force-sensitive clones are an anomaly but that they are genetically defective clones. Wrecker agrees with the woman, who then points out that the Kaminoans produced millions of clones and warns that the Empire will pursue them relentlessly if they exhibit high M-counts. She declares this as her provided intelligence before departing.
When Omega asks the woman if that is the reason the Empire is after her, the woman says that she needs to test her to determine her Midi-chlorian count. Omega requests the woman to test her, affirming her readiness. The woman cautions that the truth may be unsettling, but Omega remains steadfast. The woman concedes but warns Omega that she asked for it.
Subsequently, the woman subjects Omega to a test on the rocky shore, requiring her to balance a fruit on her head while extending her arms and maintaining a stance on one leg. When Omega questions the relevance of this exercise to her M-count, the woman instructs her to cease striving for balance and instead relinquish her conscious control. Omega expresses her unfamiliarity with this concept. Upon slipping, the woman prompts Omega to attempt the exercise again. Wrecker attempts to encourage Omega, but the woman instructs him and Hunter to withdraw. Hunter insists on remaining to observe.
When Omega asks if she was a Jedi, the woman confirms she is not a Jedi but knows about some of their ways. She tells Omega to concentrate and continue her test. Crosshair returns from consulting Tech's files from the Republic Archives and confirms that the woman is Asajj Ventress. When Wrecker asks why a Separatist assassin be helping them, Crosshair questions whether she is helping them.
After Omega stumbles on the slick shoreline, Ventress inquires about the cause before assisting her to her feet. Ventress tasks Omega with retrieving a white blossom from a Weeping maya tree situated atop the colonnade before sunset. Omega initially expresses reluctance but ultimately complies. With Omega absent, she cautions the remaining members of the Bad Batch that their plans are doomed to fail. She urges them to exercise prudence as she approaches them.
In the interim, Omega sprints through the streets of Pabu, attempting to reach the weeping maya tree. As the sun begins to set, she persuades Batcher to carry her to the summit of the colonnade. Back at the cove, Hunter and the clones demand that Ventress leave. Ventress refuses to leave until she has finished testing Omega. The clones aim their blasters at Ventress but the former assassin uses the Force to hurl their weapons away. She warns them not to cheat as they charge at her.
Ventress engages the Bad Batch in hand to hand combat. After several rounds, Crosshair manages to pin her down but she breaks free. She then fights Wrecker before pushing him into the other clones. Following the fight, she asks Hunter and Wrecker if they have had enough. When Wrecker asks what she intends to do with Omega, Ventress suggests she could take Omega. While Ventress is distracted, Crosshair retrieves their firearms and returns them to their brothers.
Ventress asks the Bad Batch to stand down but Hunter replies that they don't like to follow orders. With Batcher's help, Omega reaches the maya tree and retrieves a white blossom before sunset. The Bad Batch shoot at Ventress but she uses her yellow lightsaber to deflect their blaster bolts. Ventress says she doesn't intend to kill them but they are tempting her. Wrecker responds defiantly and she charges at them.
When Omega and Batcher return, they find Ventress Force choking Wrecker. When Omega asks what is going on, Hunter tells her that Ventress is a war criminal. Ventress responds that times have changed for them both. When Hunter disagrees they are the same, Ventress replies that they are both pawns who lost the Clone Wars. She warns them that the Empire is more dangerous than they can fathom. She tells them that she is not their enemy before walking away.
Later that night, Hunter cautions Omega against trusting Ventress, citing her past actions during the Clone Wars. Omega dissents, pointing out that Ventress refrained from killing them despite having the opportunity. Wrecker disagrees, asserting that the clones were merely warming up. Omega acknowledges her lack of knowledge regarding the wars but maintains that people are capable of change. Crosshair dismisses Omega as naive, but Omega retorts that she never abandoned hope in him. She implores the men to extend Ventress a chance.
The subsequent day, Omega and Batcher locate Ventress near the pier. Ventress expresses surprise at Omega's return, given the clones' warnings about her. Omega acknowledges Ventress' actions during the Clone Wars but commends her for remaining. She expresses her belief that Ventress is attempting to assist and inquires about the tests. Ventress acknowledges Omega's failure in the initial test but remains evasive regarding the second. The two embark on a boat, leaving Batcher behind. Ventress is unnerved about Omega's smiles, finding it unsettling.
Ventress escorts Omega into deeper waters, explaining that Force-sensitive individuals possess an affinity for nature and establish connections with entities that respond to their energy. She activates a blue platform and instructs Omega to utilize the Force to seek out anything. Back at the Archium on Pabu island, Wrecker expresses unease about allowing Omega to spend time alone with Ventress. Hunter reminds him they promised Omega not to intervene. Wrecker realises that Ventress can still sense they are watching.
Omega struggles with the test. Ventress attributes her lack of progress to the older clones' failure to provide her with proper training and discipline. Omega objects, asserting that she has received training. Ventress clarifies that Force training differs from military training. Omega steps away from the platform, prompting Ventress to question whether their efforts are futile. Omega questions why she should heed Ventress, given her lack of understanding in these matters.
Ventress demonstrates her Force abilities by summoning a shoal of Luminescent green rays. However, she also inadvertently summons a colossal sea creature characterized by a thick shell, gaping maw, and tentacles, known as the vrathean. Recognizing the imminent danger, the other clones mobilize the Marauder and set off. The vrathean capsizes their boat and ensnares Omega with its tentacles. Ventress liberates Omega using her lightsaber and guides her to the surface. The two seek refuge atop the overturned boat. As the vrathean advances upon them, the Marauder bombards the creature, provoking it further.
Ventress asserts her ability to manage the vrathean but contends that her companions are exacerbating the situation. Omega persuades Hunter and the others to cease firing and allow Ventress to handle the matter. Ventress employs the Force to communicate with the sea monster, persuading it to depart peacefully. Crosshair retrieves them and transports them aboard the Marauder. Omega characterizes the experience as enjoyable.
Upon returning to the cove, Ventress concludes that Omega does not exhibit a high M-count. Omega expresses confusion, but Wrecker assures her that they will resolve the matter. She and Wrecker depart to acquire sustenance. Omega expresses her gratitude to Ventress before departing. Privately, Crosshair accuses Ventress of deception. Ventress argues that if Omega possessed significant potential, she would necessitate training, which would entail leaving the Bad Batch. Hunter refuses to abandon Omega, but Ventress warns that the Empire is pursuing Omega and advises them to evacuate Pabu, stating that they are not as secure as they believe. When challenged regarding her allegiances, Ventress affirms her neutrality with respect to the Empire and asserts that she has multiple lives remaining. The clones observe as she ascends into space.