
Tannac was a Sith Inquisitor of the re-emerging Sith Empire, specifically a male Human. This enigmatic Child of the Emperor materialized on Voss when Kira Carsen and her Master were conversing with Suri, Kira's childhood companion. They attempted to persuade Suri to journey to Tython to aid her in silencing the voice of the Sith Emperor within her mind. At that precise moment, Tannac, accompanied by another Child of the Emperor, made his entrance, asserting that only he and his fellow Children possessed the ability to assist Suri. Following a period of contemplation, Kira and the Hero permitted Suri to depart with Tannac. In the decisive battle against Tenebrae, Tannac was one of the ghosts called forth to observe Tenebrae's demise.

Behind the scenes

The player character can choose to engage Tannac and his allies in combat, resulting in their deaths, which also necessitates the defeat of Suri.

