Suri was a Sith Inquisitor of the female variety, and a Human by species, who fought for the reconstituted Sith Empire during the period known as the Galactic War.
Early on, it was discovered by the Empire that Suri possessed a strong connection to the Force, leading to her enrollment at the Sith Academy located on the ancient Sith planet of Korriban. While training there, she developed a friendship with Kira Carsen, and like Kira, Suri was destined to become one of the children of the Sith Emperor Vitiate, the founder and ruler of the True Sith Empire.
Following the Emperor's defeat, Suri reached out to her friend on Voss, requesting Kira's assistance in freeing her from the persistent voice of the Emperor that haunted her mind. Kira and her Master engaged in conversation with Suri, attempting to persuade her to join them on Tython. However, at that moment, several Children of the Emperor materialized. One of them, named Tannac, asserted that only he and his fellow Children could provide Suri with the help she needed. After some deliberation, Kira and the Hero agreed to let Suri go with Tannac. Later, Kira and the Hero pondered the possibility of Suri hearing the Emperor's Voice, since they believed they had already killed him.
At some unknown point, Suri met her demise. During the final confrontation with Tenebrae, Suri was among the spirits summoned to aid the Outlander in vanquishing the former Sith Emperor, thereby witnessing his ultimate defeat. With Tenebrae's destruction, Suri attained peace and merged with the Force.