Tasiele Shan

A descendant of the renowned Jedi Revan and Bastila Shan, Tasiele Shan was a female Human. Functioning as a Jedi Knight, she lived in the century preceding the Great Galactic War that pitted the Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire. In 3699 BBY, she gave birth to a daughter on Brentaal IV, a planet, whom she named Satele. Her divergence from the Jedi Order's doctrines on attachment and marriage, echoing the views of her ancestors, led to the Jedi Council being pressured by the Republic to exile her. She was sent to an unnamed planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories for meditation on her beliefs. When the Council sought to bring Shan back from her banishment many years afterwards, they only located her dwelling on a cliffside, along with journals addressed to her daughter, which they then gifted to the young Shan. One of these journals, titled Aspects of the Force, The Light and the Dark, accompanied Shan during her voluntary exile to the planet Odessen decades later.

Production Notes

The HoloNet entry for Satele Shan on the official website of the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic was the first time Tasiele Shan was mentioned, with an Aurebesh phrase stating "Jedi exiled her mother". This entry was published on March 26, 2010. However, her name and complete backstory were not revealed until the publication of Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, a reference guide for the game, in 2012. A book penned by Tasiele later made an appearance in Chapter 12 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, a Digital Expansion for The Old Republic.

