
TD-3300 was a stormtrooper of the male human species. He fought for the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. A short period after the destruction of Alderaan, TD-3300 found himself stationed on the Halcyon starcruiser. He served under the command of General Kardan. During this time, Kardan received intelligence that the pirate Hondo Ohnaka had come to steal the Crown Jewels of Alderaan, which Kardan thought he had just acquired from Maz Kanata. TD-3300, along with another stormtrooper, was dispatched to locate Ohnaka. The two troopers pursued Ohnaka into the auxiliary reactor during the pursuit. TD-3300 attempted to capture the pirate, but both he and Ohnaka leaped over an edge and landed inside generators. Following TD-3300's actions, his fellow trooper remarked that TD was not known for his intelligence, though he believed he had eliminated the pirate. He then reported to the ship's crew that Ohnaka had either died or escaped. However, Ohnaka had survived the encounter.

