Te'Ami's lightsaber

During the age of the High Republic, Te'Ami, a Jedi Knight of the Duros species, carried a lightsaber. This lightsaber's blade was blue, its energy source a kyber crystal that Te'Ami had acquired on Ilum. Its hilt was coated in cerakote and featured a copper crosspiece, which, with the passage of time, had become significantly tarnished; the hilt itself bore many scratches and gouges. By the time of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, a sizable glob of solder marked the area near the activation end of the lightsaber, a repair necessitated by a detached component. Due to all of this damage, Te'Ami considered it the most unattractive lightsaber within the entire Jedi Order. Despite its appearance, she saw no reason to replace it, unlike some Jedi; the lightsaber functioned flawlessly, and she believed its worn state mirrored a principle of the Force: inner light exists in all, regardless of outward appearance. As the Jedi Vector was designed, Te'Ami used the lightsaber to activate the starship's weapon systems.

Behind the scenes

Charles Soule's 2021 novel, The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, featured Te'Ami's lightsaber.

