The Adventurer 3, a publication from LucasArts/Lucasfilm Games, represents the third installment of The Adventurer magazine. Inside, readers could find various articles focusing on both forthcoming and already released games from Lucasfilm, such as The Empire Strikes Back and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
- Collette Michaud pens "The Evolution of Lucasfilm Games: The Art Department"
- "The Year of the CD" is discussed.
- Doug Glen's article, "Dawn of the Eighth Art"
- "Lucasfilm Games Arrive for the Macintosh " is announced.
- " Rebel Alliance Alert! The Empire Strikes Back at Nintendo " is featured.
- "LucasArts on TV"
- "Company Store" section.
- " Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis : An Interview with Hal Barwood "
- "Add a New Dimension to Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe "
- " iMuse Brings Interactive Sound to Games" is explained.
- Joe Pinney writes about "Games for After Hours: Warlords "
- "Letters" from readers.
- A " Sam & Max : Freelance Police" comic by Steve Purcell is included.