The inaugural episode, "The Cries of the Trees," marks the beginning of the animated television series Ewoks, an American production. It debuted on September 7, 1985 on the ABC network. Paul Dini penned the script, while Raymond Jafelice took on the role of director. Later, in 1997, "The Cries of the Trees" was incorporated into the direct-to-video film The Haunted Village.
Taking place in 3 ABY, the episode centers on Wicket (voiced by Jim Henshaw) and Kneesaa (voiced by Cree Summer). Their mission is to protect the sacred Soul Trees from Morag, an evil Tulgah witch.
The Forest Moon of Endor is experiencing a drought. Wicket and his friends encounter Queen Izrina of the Wisties, only to be ambushed by Yuzzums who serve Morag, the Tulgah witch. While the Ewoks manage to escape, Izrina is captured and taken to Morag.
Back at Bright Tree Village, the young Ewoks are busy with their daily tasks. Paploo suggests they play drop-the-sack instead of working. Meanwhile, at Morag's lair, the witch casts a spell on Izrina, transforming the queen into a malevolent, flaming being. Morag then releases Izrina with the intention of her corrupting the other Wisties and setting the Ewoks' Soul Trees ablaze.
Paploo, Wicket, and Teebo engage in the forbidden game of drop-the-sack within the Happy Grove. Accidentally, they drop a sack of mud on Bozzie, an older Ewok. The Elders see through Paploo's lie to protect himself and his friends. As a result, the young Ewoks are assigned to clean the forest floor. During their work, Izrina flies by and ignites the area. Chief Chirpa and other elders arrive to extinguish the fire. The young Ewoks are blamed, as they are not believed when they claim the fire started on its own, due to their previous lie. They are sentenced to three days of detention in a remote location under the supervision of Wicket's older brothers.
During the night, the three young Ewoks share a common dream: The Soul Trees are burning and crying out for assistance. The Ewoks rush outside to find the forest on fire. When they alert their supervisors, the cursed Izrina attacks. Wicket throws water on the Wistie, breaking the curse. Izrina reveals Morag's plan, and all the Ewoks rush to warn Chirpa.
They interrupt the Festival of Hoods, but they are not believed. However, while Wicket's brothers and Izrina explain the situation to Shaman Logray, the youngest Ewoks, including Malani, sense the trees' distress. Chirpa is convinced and organizes the community to fight the fire, but Morag interferes by damming the river, cutting off their water supply. Logray and Wicket obtain magic foam, which proves effective against the fire and the cursed Wisties. However, Morag interferes again, damaging the catapults needed to launch the bags against the fire.
Guided by the Wisties, Wicket and Kneesaa use hang gliders to airdrop more bags of foam, saving the Soul Trees. Witnessing the young ones' bravery and resourcefulness during this crisis, Chirpa and Logray decide they were too harsh. Bozzie needs convincing until Wicket observes her making a last stand against the fire, protecting her personal Soul Tree, and he does a precise airdrop to save both. Rain begins to fall, and Bozzie reconciles with Wicket.