The Mountain was a group comprised of five exceptionally tall Kadas'sa' Nikto siblings. These brothers resided on Nar Shaddaa throughout the Cold War era, a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. As adherents of the Morgukai cult, the brothers successfully ousted Bareesh the Hutt from his leadership role. They then assumed his position as the heads of the Kintan Kings crime syndicate operating on Nar Shaddaa.
Throughout the Cold War, the Kintan Kings, under the Mountain's leadership, launched assaults targeting Republic assets located on Nar Shaddaa. Consequently, the Republic sought assistance from an individual aligned with the Republic's cause to strike back at the Kings. As the individual became increasingly problematic for the Mountain, one of its members reached out to them, issuing a demand: confront the Mountain directly, or witness the destruction of the spaceport Bareesh had been providing to the Republic. Upon meeting their adversary, the Mountain revealed themselves as a collective, exposing Bareesh's prior role as the gang's leader. They asserted that Bareesh's support for the Republic was driven by a desire for vengeance against them, and that the individual was merely a pawn. Subsequently, they launched an attack, but all of them were ultimately slain.