The Power

The vibrant, living energy source known as The Power fueled all plant and animal life on Lenahra, and was considered magical in nature. While originating from the depths of the planet, one could gain access to it by finding a fissure on the planet's surface. This Power manifested as radiant blue spheres suspended within a liquid reservoir. Subterranean root systems drew the Power upwards, sustaining the plant life above. Consequently, the animals that consumed these plants and drank the planet's water also received this energy.

Initially, Lenahra's first inhabitants absorbed the Power organically, but they altered their approach, choosing to extract the orbs directly from the pool. This action ultimately led to their demise.

Ingesting The Power significantly amplified one's physical capabilities, to such a degree that even Jedi might mistake Power users for individuals who were Force-sensitive. Nevertheless, this consumption took a toll on their physical health, necessitating ever-increasing quantities until their bodies succumbed and they perished. Humanoids, including species like Mikkians, Clawdites, Imroosians, and Nautolans, were capable of consuming it.

