The Sith of Datawork

title: "The Sith of Datawork"

"The Sith of Datawork" represents the third concise narrative featured within the collection known as From a Certain Point of View. Penned by Ken Liu, this story delves into the perspective of Arvira, an Imperial officer.

Synopsis of the Story

On board the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator, Arvira, who serves as the fleet logistics liaison, is sought out by Bolvan, a gunnery captain, who requires assistance. The Devastator had just seized the Tantive IV, a Rebel vessel, in their pursuit of the missing Death Star plans. Despite Darth Vader's command to thoroughly search the ship, the sought-after plans remain elusive.

Bolvan noticed the launch of an escape pod from the captured vessel. He instructed his crew not to engage it, citing two justifications: first, he would be obligated to complete paperwork (specifically, Form XTM-51-CT, as dictated by Imperial Naval Regulation explaining the reason behind firing at an escape pod, to satisfy the Imperial Senate; and second, new regulations link gunnery officers' advancements to their confirmed kills. It becomes clear to him that the plans are probably inside the escape pod, and he goes to Arvira for help, fearing the consequences of not realizing this sooner. Arvira provides Bolvan with a set of forms to complete, designed to conceal the gunnery officer's delayed realization, in return for future assistance.

