The Snow Demons!, the second part of The Kingdom of Ice, appeared in Pizzazz 11 in August of 1978. In 1979, the complete story was republished in the UK within the pages of Star Wars Weekly 57 through _60.
Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa brace themselves for the arrival of the mobile fortress that was responsible for saving their lives following their crash landing on Akuria II. Simultaneously, C-3PO and R2-D2 make their way towards the debris of the TIE starfighter that the mobile fortress downed, as R2-D2 was unable to detect a pilot.
Both parties are taken by surprise when Snow Demons suddenly show themselves, rising up from their hidden positions within the snow, armed with clubs and axes. Leia and Luke are saved thanks to the War Sled's prompt arrival, driven by a man identifying himself as Colonel Odan from the Akuria Rebel Base. They get away aboard the War Sled, but R2-D2 and C-3PO are nowhere to be found.