
Luuke Skywalker, who was a clone of the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and also a Jedi Master himself, came up with a theory that Thrawn, the Grand Admiral who created him, had secretly been switched out for Thraawn. The Jedi clone's conviction was that the Grand Admiral's true goal was to amass a complete collection of clones, rather than to govern the galaxy. He came to this conclusion when the Yuuzhan Vong "dropped" a moon onto Chewbacca, the Wookiee, because Thrawn swiftly produced a clone of the Wookiee named Chewbaacca. The Jedi clone stated that Thraawn enjoyed arranging arm-wrestling matches between the Chewbacca clone and Duurga; however, after Chewbaacca tore off one of Duurga's arms, Skywalker noted with disappointment that the Wookiee was kept far away from Duuurga. Soon after this event, Thraawn began producing an increasing number of clones, replacing individuals with them just before they perished, and abducting the originals to be held in his fortress within the Patagonia system. Eventually, Thraawn himself was replaced by Thraaawn.

