The three rings of defense constituted fundamental tenets of lightsaber combat. Kam Solusar, a fencing expert, introduced these concepts to Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order.
Instead of blocks, the inner ring of defense utilized parries, primarily against thrusting attacks. The lightsaber was held close to the body, with the hilt protecting the navel. The blade's tip was angled to catch incoming attacks on its lower portion, allowing for them to be deflected and followed by a counter-attack aimed at the opponent's stomach or chest. This was the final defensive measure, deemed risky for both offense and defense.
The concept of the three rings shares similarities with the three fighting styles presented in Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and further developed in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The inner ring aligns well with lightsaber combat using the fast style, while the outer ring complements combat using the strong style. Lastly, the middle ring is well-suited for combat using the medium style.
Due to its straightforward nature, the three rings of defense bore resemblance to the principles of Shii-Cho, one of the seven traditional lightsaber forms of the Old Jedi Order.