Tion (Lord)

Lord Tion was a male Human nobleman who held the rank of Commodore within the Imperial Navy.


Early military career

He achieved the rank of Commodore after enlisting in the Imperial Starfleet. He developed a relationship with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and became a strong supporter of his political philosophies, notably the Tarkin Doctrine.

Leveraging his connection to the Grand Moff, Tion secured a position of authority within a highly classified military initiative focused on constructing a heavily armored battle station the size of a moon, known as the Death Star. This superweapon was designed to have the capability to destroy entire planets. He had extensive knowledge of the project's specifics, gaining access to sensitive information regarding the location of the Death Star plans. Similar to Admiral Conan Antonio Motti and numerous other high-ranking Imperial officers assigned to the Death Star, Tion aimed to capitalize on his involvement with the superweapon to advance his own aspirations. His objective was to become a member of the Imperial elite and ascend to the position of one of the most influential military figures in the galaxy.

Occupation of Ralltiir

In 0 BBY, Lord Tion received orders to subdue the planet Ralltiir, a significant economic center located in the Core Worlds. The Ralltiiri High Council, which served as the primary governing body of the planet, had voiced disapproval of the Empire's oppressive and violent policies, which prompted the Imperial Military to intervene. A squadron of Imperial warships, led by Tion's personal flagship, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer called the Devastator, initiated an orbital bombardment and deployed ground forces to take control of the planet.

Lord Tion flirts with Princess Leia

After the resistance on Ralltiir was defeated and the Empire had complete control, the High Council was promptly dissolved, and all its members were executed for being sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance. Ralltiir was placed under martial law, and Governor Dennix Graeber was appointed to oversee the planet. The Ralltiiri people were relocated to prison camps, interrogation facilities were established for individuals suspected of supporting the Rebellion, and stormtroopers patrolled the streets. Tion also imposed a strict closure of the entire Ralltiir system, preventing even humanitarian organizations from passing through his blockade. The Subjugation of Ralltiir had a detrimental effect on trade along the Perlemian Trade Route, because of the planet's significance to galactic banking.

Following the military takeover of Ralltiir, Lord Tion received visits from two important figures. First, Supreme Commander Darth Vader arrived to supervise the Imperial forces under Tion's command. Second, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan undertook a "mercy mission" to deliver aid to the people of Ralltiir. Her official purpose was to provide medical supplies and assistance to the Ralltiiri High Council. However, her real intention was to provide anti-Imperial resistance groups on Ralltiir with advanced weaponry and other military equipment. Lord Tion personally authorized Princess Leia's landing on Ralltiir, allowing her consular ship, the CR90 corvette Tantive IV, to land at a spaceport in the capital city of Cambriele. He greeted the Princess and informed her that the High Council had been dissolved and the planet was now under Imperial control. While there, the Princess rescued a wounded Rebel soldier named Basso, who later revealed the existence of a massive Imperial battle station and its codename, "Death Star." Using the newly installed planetary surveillance system, the Princess and her accompanying pilot Captain Raymus Antilles took advantage of Tion's romantic interest in her, preventing Vader from inspecting the Tantive IV's cargo and enabling their safe passage through the blockade of the Ralltiir system.


Lord Tion was killed by his own blaster during a scuffle with Princess Leia.

Tion chose to temporarily leave his assignment on Ralltiir and visit the House of Organa, with the intention of proposing marriage to Princess Leia. Upon Leia's return to Alderaan, her adoptive father, Viceroy Bail Prestor Organa, informed her that Tion had fallen for her charm and invited himself to an informal dinner at the Aldera Royal Palace.

During their conversation, the Organas attempted to extract confidential information regarding the new Imperial weapons program. After some casual conversation, the Princess eventually persuaded Tion to reveal the secret behind the Death Star. Tion disclosed to the Organas that the Death Star was a massive battle station armed with a superlaser with the capability to destroy planets. He also mentioned that the blueprints for the superweapon were being transported on an Imperial convoy. Tion requested the Organas to support the project, promising security and prosperity for the people of Alderaan. He also expressed his desire to marry Leia, assuring her that she would become one of the most influential women in the Empire.

However, Leia became increasingly disgusted by Tion's boastful description of the battle station, declaring that she would never support a weapon of war designed to oppress the free people of the galaxy. Unable to contain her anger, she made a critical mistake by mentioning the term "Death Star." Upon hearing the Princess use a word that she should not have known, Tion realized that Leia had been in contact with the Rebel spy network. He accused Leia and her father of being Rebels, threatening to summon the Empire to Alderaan and interrogate the Organas about their connections to the Rebel Alliance. However, before Tion had the chance to notify the Imperial authorities, the Princess attacked him in self-defense to protect her father and her home planet. During a brief struggle, Tion's blaster pistol accidentally discharged, killing him.


Leia was deeply disturbed by her involvement in Tion's unexpected death, but Bail reassured her, stating that Tion had brought it upon himself. Tion's body was later abandoned in Alderaan's Southern Game Preserve, and a suitable explanation was fabricated. Officially, he died in a tragic "hunting accident" while visiting Alderaan. After Tion's death, Darth Vader assumed command of the Devastator. Lord Tion's final conversation provided the Rebel Alliance with the intelligence required to seize the plans for the first Death Star during the Battle of Toprawa and subsequently destroy the battle station above the moon of Yavin 4 with the assistance of Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin.

Behind the scenes

Lord Tion was introduced as a supporting character in the radio dramatization of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, penned by Brian Daley, directed by John Madden, and broadcast by National Public Radio in 1981. The character was created for the initial episodes of the radio adaptation to explain how Princess Leia became aware of the Death Star's existence and how the Rebel Alliance acquired the superweapon's schematics. He was voiced by John Considine.

An illustration featured in the reference book The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, released in 1998, depicts Lord Tion as an elderly military officer with dark hair, whereas the comic book Star Wars: Empire: Princess... Warrior, published in 2003, portrays him as a younger man with blonde hair.

When questioned about it on Twitter, Star Wars author Pablo Hidalgo commented that the character Nenevanth Tion "may or may not be Lord Tion from the Radio drama, but the age and the loyalty work out right," indicating that he left the possibility open for others to determine whether they were the same character.

