Tjepo Juibop was a Delphidian male who functioned as the ringleader of the Hackjackers. The Hackjackers were a band of starship thieves whose activities centered around Maz Kanata's castle located on Takodana. He abducted Han Solo and Chewbacca, pilfering their vessel, the Millennium Falcon, with the goal of dismantling it for its components. Hondo Ohnaka brokered an arrangement with the Hackjackers, without knowing that the Falcon was the very ship they were trying to sell. When Maz Kanata compelled Ohnaka to assist in the liberation of the smugglers, Ohnaka discovered that Juibop possessed the Falcon, and he chose to liberate Solo, Chewbacca, and Kanata instead. Solo discharged a set of concussion bombs that were positioned behind Juibop, and the resulting detonation led to his death.