TK8252 functioned as the call sign for a male field stormtrooper who served the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War. In the year 10 ABY, TK8252 found himself stationed on one of two artificial asteroids. These asteroids were involved in an attack against a New Republic base situated on the planet known as Altyr V. When Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn managed to infiltrate the asteroid where TK8252 was stationed, with the intention of sabotaging it, TK8252, along with another trooper, attempted to thwart Katarn's efforts by engaging him with rail detonators. Despite their efforts, Katarn succeeded in his mission to destroy both asteroids.
TK8252 denoted the call sign of a male field stormtrooper, a high-ranking position among the stormtroopers. This soldier was in the service of the Galactic Empire throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. As of 10 ABY, TK8252 held a post on one of two artificial asteroids, which the Empire had engineered to serve as mobile military installations. During the course of Operation Shadow Hand, these two asteroids launched an attack on a New Republic outpost located on the planet named Altyr V. However, the Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn was present on Altyr V when this assault occurred, and he resolved to sabotage the attacking asteroids. Utilizing a captured Imperial shuttle, Katarn successfully infiltrated the asteroid where TK8252 was assigned. As Katarn navigated the asteroid's interior, TK8252, accompanied by another field stormtrooper, identified him and gave chase through one of the asteroid's corridors. Employing rail detonators, they discharged rail charges in Katarn's direction, one of which detonated close to the Jedi, causing him to plummet into a chasm. Convinced that Katarn could not have survived such a fall, TK8252 communicated to the base that the intruder had been eliminated. Nevertheless, Katarn did survive the fall. He proceeded to utilize the asteroid's weaponry to obliterate the other asteroid and subsequently initiated the self-destruct sequence on TK8252's asteroid, escaping just before the resulting explosion.
TK8252 made a single appearance in a cutscene within the 1998 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith. Kevin Schmitt, the game's lead level designer, provided the voice for the character. The game itself does not explicitly identify which of the two stormtroopers pursuing Katarn is specifically TK8252. In 2006, Ryan Kaufman, one of the game's developers, revealed on his blog that the stormtrooper's name was derived from Schmitt's telephone extension number at the time. However, in his blog post, Kaufman refers to the character as TK-825, omitting the final two and including a hyphen, whereas the game's subtitles display the call sign without a hyphen.