To Save Deej

title: To Save Deej

The fourth episode of the Ewoks animated series, "To Save Deej", belongs to the first season. Raymond Jafelice directed this episode, while Bob Carrau penned the script. It was initially broadcasted on September 28, 1985 by ABC.

When Deej contracts a rare fungal illness, Weechee, Willy, and Wicket embark on a journey to gather the necessary components for a remedy to rescue their courageous father.

Plot summary

Deej's illness

Wicket, Deej, Weechee, Widdle, and Kneesaa are engaged in fishing by the riverbank when Wicket veers off and notices an unusual creature frolicking in the undergrowth. However, before he can identify the creature, Deej snags a massive fish and summons the others to assist him in reeling it in. Nonetheless, the fish proves too formidable for them, causing them to lose their grip on the rod and stumble backward. Deej inadvertently falls into a Rokna tree and sustains a cut from its lethal fungus. Just then, the creature Wicket saw in the bushes appears and volunteers to help. However, the Ewoks disregard the creature and decide to head back to their village.

Back at Bright Tree Village, Logray is examining Deej as the others recount the peculiar fungus. Logray, asserting prior knowledge of the illness induced by the fungus, requires specific ingredients to formulate a medicine that will restore Deej's health. He assigns Deej's sons the task of acquiring a star urchin from the land of the Dandelion Warriors, a lantern bird feather, and some eggs laid by a Frosch, providing them with a map to guide their expedition. Regrettably, while inside the hut, Willy consumes one of Logray's potions and begins to levitate, prompting Logray to use stones to anchor him to the ground.

Quest for the ingredients

The three Ewoks separate; Weechee dispatches Willy and Wicket to procure the lantern bird feather and star urchin, respectively, and then departs to locate a frosch egg.

Willy stumbles upon the nest of a lantern bird. He discards the rocks Logray used to weigh him down and floats towards the nest. He snatches a feather, but before he can escape, the lantern bird returns and settles on the nest, trapping Widdle.

Concurrently, Wicket arrives in the land of the Dandelion Warriors and is searching for an urchin when he hears cries for assistance. He dashes through the grass and discovers the creature from the river bound to a tree trunk. The creature was also searching for an urchin when the Dandelion Warriors captured him. Wicket swiftly unties the creature, and they flee just as the Dandelion Warriors launch their quills at their former location. Wicket and the creature seek cover, and Wicket instructs the creature to divert the creatures' fire while he searches for a star urchin. They eventually locate one and escape into the forest.

By this point, Weechee has reached the frosch cave, situated behind a waterfall. As he crouches down to avoid detection by a pair of froschs, he becomes covered in frosch eggs, which adhere to his fur. As he rises and attempts to remove the eggs from his fur, he is suddenly encircled by froschs. Weechee plunges into the river and is swept downstream over a series of waterfalls, ultimately grasping onto a tree branch.

A new friend

Wicket and the creature, who identifies himself as Mring-Mring, finally return to the village. However, before they can reach Logray's hut, they encounter Teebo (literally), who informs Wicket that his brothers have not yet returned. Wicket, Mring-Mring, and Teebo then set out to find Willy at the lantern bird's nest. They discover him beneath the giant bird, and the four of them journey to the frosch cave, where Weechee clings to his branch for survival. They hurl a vine to Weechee and pull him ashore. However, they are then cornered against a cliff by the froschs.

The five of them ascend the cliff onto a plateau and are surrounded by the froschs with seemingly no escape. However, Mring-Mring instructs the Ewoks to focus their minds and envision a giant, winged creature that can transport them to safety. Though skeptical, the Ewoks concentrate, and Mring-Mring transforms into the giant avian. The Ewoks climb onto his back, and they soar back to the village, where they deliver the ingredients to Logray. Logray uses them to concoct a potion and pours it over Deej's sleeping body. Deej awakens, and the Ewoks celebrate.


  • This episode was the source material for the children's books Wicket and the Dandelion Warriors: An Ewok Adventure and To Save Deej.
  • It was included on DVD in 2004 as part of the Tales from the Endor Woods feature film. It is located on side 2 of the disc.


