Rampage of the Phlogs

"Rampage of the Phlogs" marks the third installment in the first season of the television show Ewoks. Paul Dini penned the script, while Raymond Jafelice took on the directing duties. This episode was initially broadcasted on September 21, 1985 via the ABC network.

Official description

An attack is triggered when Morag isolates a young Phlog from its family, placing blame on the Ewoks.

Plot summary

The Phlog Wanderers

Kneesaa and Latara are seen navigating a river on a raft when a large wave topples them over. The two Ewoks then notice a Phlog creating the disturbance in the water using his club. Following him are two more Phlogs, a male and a female, the latter carrying a baby Phlog.

As the Phlogs continue their journey downstream, Kneesaa and Latara hurry back to Bright Tree Village to inform the Elders about the Phlogs' return to the forest. Wicket is listening intently to the conversation, when Malani appears behind him and attempts to gain his attention in a flirtatious manner. Wicket, however, is uninterested, instead focusing on Logray, who is advising the Ewoks to avoid the Phlogs, explaining that while they are generally peaceful, they can become dangerous if provoked.

Morag's Scheme

In the meantime, the Phlogs are taking a break by the river when the baby Phlog, Nahkee, wanders off. He comes across a Zakool, which he treats as a pet. When the Zakool scurries away, the young Phlog follows. However, instead of the Zakool, he finds himself surrounded by Rakazzak beasts, who are under the control of Morag, the Tulgah witch. Morag casts a spell on Nahkee, causing him to fall asleep. The Rakazzak beasts then carry Nahkee away. Morag leaves behind a bow, a pair of spears, and an Ewok hood. The other three Phlogs, upon discovering these items while searching for Nahkee, immediately jump to the conclusion that Ewoks have kidnapped him, which pleases Morag greatly. Morag and her Rakazzak beasts deliver Nahkee to the Duloks, who are instructed to care for him until the Phlogs have destroyed the Ewok village.

Back in the Ewok village, Malani is playing with a Munyip when she notices Wicket, Kneesaa, Latara, and Teebo climbing through the trees. Wicket then makes a comment about how he prefers Malani to be "far away from him," which she overhears, causing her to run off upset. The Munyip informs Malani's brother, Teebo, and the four Ewoks begin searching the woods for her. Instead of Malani, however, they encounter an enraged Phlog, who begins chasing them. The Ewoks seek refuge inside a log, which rolls down a hill and breaks apart on a rock, sending them flying into the river. Teebo and Wicket decide to continue their search for Malani, while Kneesaa and Latara return to the village to warn the Elders that the Phlogs are on a rampage.

Gorneesh, the King of the Duloks, is tasked with caring for the Phlog child, who consumes food at an astonishing rate. Growing weary of his babysitting duties, Gorneesh decides to tie the Phlog's foot to a tree stump, hoping to get some rest. However, the young Phlog simply pulls the stump out of the ground while Gorneesh is asleep, then crawls away, dragging the stump behind him.

The Missing Child

Malani, alone and upset in the woods, hears a noise behind her. Turning around, she sees the young Phlog, who is now stuck, with the stump he is dragging wedged between two trees. She unties the rope from the stump, and the Phlog communicates to her, in his own way, that he has lost his parents. Teebo and Wicket eventually find Malani, who is being carried by her new friend. Teebo believes that returning the Phlog to his parents might convince them to leave the Ewoks alone. However, before they can put their plan into action, Nahkee picks up the scent of cooking food and runs off towards it. Teebo and Wicket grab onto the rope that is still attached to the Phlog. The scent leads the Phlog and the Ewoks back to the Dulok village. Gorneesh is delighted to see the Phlog has returned, bringing with him three young Ewoks.

While the Ewok village is under attack by the three adult Phlogs, Logray explains to Chief Chirpa that the mother Phlog believes the Ewoks have stolen her baby. Chirpa suspects Morag is behind the kidnapping, and Malani and Kneesaa set off to find the missing child. However, they are soon captured and taken to the Dulok village, where the five young Ewoks are tasked with caring for the baby Phlog under the watchful eye of King Gorneesh. As Wicket apologizes to Malani for his earlier remarks, Teebo and Latara secretly devise a plan for their escape.

Reconciliation and Triumph

Teebo enlists the help of nearby Humming peepers, who assist Kneesaa and Latara in serenading the Duloks to sleep. The Ewoks, carrying the sleeping Nahkee, escape to the Ewok village, which is struggling against the Phlogs as Morag watches on. The young Ewoks arrive and reunite Nahkee with his family, preventing the destruction of their village. The Duloks arrive soon after, but are forced to retreat back to their village when they are attacked by the Phlogs and an enraged Morag. Malani and Nahkee share a heartfelt goodbye, while Chirpa makes peace with the mother and father Phlog.


This episode marks the return of the Phlogs, a species that was previously featured in How the Ewoks Saved the Trees: An Old Ewok Legend, although their appearance is significantly different here. The Phlogs would later make another appearance in the first-season episode titled "Blue Harvest."

The character Asha is mentioned for the first time in this episode, but does not appear visually until the episode titled "Asha". She is later referenced in the season 2 episode "The Raich," and appears in the season 2 episodes "Home is Where the Shrieks Are," "Night of the Stranger," "Horville's Hut of Horrors" and "Battle for the Sunstar."

This episode was included on a DVD released in 2004 as part of the film The Haunted Village. It can be found on side 1 of the disc.


