"Asha" represents the concluding, thirteenth installment of the inaugural season of the television show, Ewoks. This episode, penned by Paul Dini and helmed by director Raymond Jafelice, was initially broadcasted on the ABC network on November 30th, 1985.
Following an encounter between a band of Ewoks and the Duloks, Princess Kneesaa makes the stunning discovery that her presumed deceased sister, Asha, is in fact alive and residing within the forest's depths. Subsequently, Kneesaa and Wicket embark on an expedition with the intention of locating her.
Far from home, specifically a glider-flight's distance from Bright Tree Village, Wicket, Teebo, and Paploo find themselves alone in the forest. They are engaged in their everyday activities; Wicket is using his basket to gather water from a stream, Paploo is asleep, and Teebo is wandering near Paploo. All of a sudden, they overhear the voices of Duloks and choose to investigate the situation. They observe a group of Duloks pursuing a maramu with the intention of capturing it for its valuable horns. The clumsy Duloks almost succeed in their endeavor, but they are inadvertently knocked down a hill by dislodged rocks.
The Duloks later manage to corner the maramu near the edge of a cliff. Just as they manage to climb back up the hill and ensnare the creature with a net, they are frightened away by a figure they identify as the "Red Ghost." Once the Duloks have fled, Wicket, Teebo, and Paploo approach the trapped animal and assist in removing the net, setting it free. Paploo makes a grunting sound to indicate that Ewoks only engage in hunting when there is no alternative food source, whereas Duloks derive pleasure from turning it into a cruel game.
However, the "Red Ghost" mistakenly believes that they intend to harm the animal. Teebo successfully frees the creature from the net, thereby convincing the "Red Ghost" that they mean no harm. After she is convinced that they pose no threat, she summons a canine korrina, which, to the Ewoks' astonishment, allows her to ride on its back. The three Ewoks then depart using their gliders, with Teebo declaring that he will never venture back to that particular area of the forest.

Back in the village, Paploo is entertaining the woklings, including Malani, with a tale of encountering a monstrous Ewok that possessed six arms and fangs as large as a wokling's head. One of the Ewoks inquires whether Paploo was frightened, to which Teebo confirms that he was terrified. Kneesaa arrives, and the woklings eagerly recount Paploo's story to her.
Kneesaa then asks what is happening, and Wicket explains that they encountered a female Ewok approximately six "snows" older than her with distinctive red fur. When Kneesaa asks about the location of this encounter, Wicket explains that it occurred in a specific region of the forest, and that the Ewok was accompanied by a korrina. Upon hearing this information, Kneesaa begins to cry and rushes off to her hut, where she grieves over a torn blue cloak.
Wicket and Winda follow her, and Kneesaa shares the story of what happened to her older sister, Asha. She recounts that she, Asha, and their mother Ra-Lee embarked on a long walk in the forest one day. They stopped by a river to collect attractive stones. Asha discovered a beautiful blue stone, which she continues to wear on her hood. While exploring the interior of a hollow tree trunk, she was confronted by a predatory hanadak, which launched an attack on both Asha and their mother. Their mother tragically lost her life in an attempt to save them, and no trace of Asha was ever found, except for her torn blue cloak. The wokling Kneesaa was later discovered by her father, Chief Chirpa.
Wicket admits that he was previously unaware of this story. Kneesaa adds the detail that Asha had red fur. Based on Wicket's earlier account of his adventure, Kneesaa comes to the conclusion that Asha is still alive.
Later that evening, Chief Chirpa engages in a conversation with his daughter Kneesaa, expressing his own wish that her sister were still alive. When Kneesaa informs him that the boys claim to have seen her, Chirpa expresses skepticism, suggesting that they may be mistaken. He reminds her that they conducted an extensive search for her for a considerable period of time. He reasons that if Asha were still alive, they would have undoubtedly found her by now.
Later that night, Kneesaa rouses Wicket, informing him of her intention to locate Asha. Wicket confirms that she is leaving to find Asha. Kneesaa confirms this is the case and says that she left Chirpa a note. When she asks for details about the location where he saw Asha, Wicket explains that they encountered her in an area situated half a day's flight east by glider. He clarifies that they turned south at the Caves of Thunder and then resumed their eastward journey. Given the complexity of the route, Wicket decides that he must accompany his friend Kneesaa.
As they set off on the bordok Rokna, Wicket attempts to caution her about the approaching snow, but Kneesaa remains resolute in her determination to find out about Asha by herself. Wicket reluctantly decides to accompany Kneesaa. During their journey, the two find themselves in a stormstorm. Kneesaa suggests seeking information about Asha from the woodsman Chukha-Trok. As they continue their journey, Wicket thinks they should turn back but Kneesaa is determined to continue the journey and encourages Rokna.
Due to the limited visibility caused by the snowstorm, Wicket accidentally falls off a cliff but manages to maintain his grip on a rope. Kneesaa and Rokna attempt to pull him up, but he urges them to turn back. Wicket loses his grip but he is saved by Chuka-Trok, who was in the area. Chuka-Trok tells the young Ewoks that they are lucky he picked up their trail way back. He cautions the young Ewoks about the dangers of venturing into the woods alone. Kneesaa explains that they are searching for someone. Chuka-Trok wants to escort them back to Bright Tree Village.
Before he can grab Rokna's reins, the bordok panics and flees into the woods. Hearing noises, Chuka-Trok tells Wicket and Kneesaa to head for the forest while he stands his ground. While walking away, Wicket sees a packing of fox-like koyts chasing Kneesaa. Chuka-Trok attempts to fend off the koyts with his axe. Just then, Asha surfaces on top of a cliff behind Chuka-Trok, prompting the koyts to flee. The three then encounter Asha, who jumps down from the cliff.
Asha and Kneesaa quickly recognize each other. The two sisters embrace. Later at Asha's cave, Wicket plays with several korrina cubs while Chuka-Trok befriends the mother korrina. Kneesaa also reminds Asha of their previous life. Kneesaa also tells Asha about their parents. While Chirpa is still alive, Ra-Lee has passed away. Asha says that she remembers their Mother pushing her to the river. She took Asha's hood off and told her to swim to the other side where she would be safe. However, Asha could not swim and was swept away by the river. Asha explains that the korrina pack adopted her and became her new family.
Kneesaa expresses her desire to reunite her sister Asha with her biological family. However, Asha declines, stating that she cannot abandon her current life; she explains that she must remain and combat the Duloks. She reveals that the Duloks arrive with every snowfall, indiscriminately killing animals for their fur and horns. Each season, Asha secretly sabotages their traps, but the Duloks persistently return. She is resolved to stay.
The following morning, Wicket and Kneesaa awaken to discover that Asha and Chukha-Trok have departed. Meanwhile, Asha and Chuka-Trok discover that a group of Duloks led by King Gorneesh have trapped a maramu and several smaller animas in cages. Gorneesh plans to kill the maramu for its horns. The Duloks kick away the distraught baby maramu, considering them undesirable since their horns are still not big enough. The mother maramu tosses one of her captors onto a tree branch. Shaman Umwak proposes using a little hunting magic but it blows back into face. He then coughs over Gorneesh.
Kneesaa and Wicket soon link up with Asha and Chuka-Trok. They realize that King Gorneesh has come to help his hunters. Shaman Umwak apologizes to Gorneesh for his mistake but Gorneesh says he has had enough of the "Red Ghost" chatter. Gorneesh vows that if any spirits come around, he will trap them as easily as they trapped the animals they captured. One of the captive animals bits Gorneesh in the finger, causing it to swell up. Shaman Umwak offers to make it better but he instead spreads the hunting magic, which causes the Dulok king to cough.
Asha leaves to confront the Duloks and frees the mother maramu, allowing her to escape into the snow with her children. Asha proceeds to free the other animals. King Gorneesh confronts her for freeing his animals. He asks if she is the "Red Ghost" who raids their traps each hunting season. Asha confirms she is the Red Ghost. Gorneesh orders his men to catch. Several Duloks tie her up with lassos.
Chukha-Trok comes to her aid but falls into a pit. Gorneesh mocks his foe and throws snow at him. Watching the fray, Wicket says the korrinas will help them. Asha moves, causing one of her Dulok captors to land into the snow. Using her strength, she swings the other three around and hurls them into the snow. Gorneesh charges at her with his club but she dodges him. Gorneesh falls into the snow, prompting him to call for reinforcements. However, Asha outwits them with her fighting skills including swinging on a lasso.
Wicket and Kneesaa arrive riding the mother korrina, which drives Gorneesh and Umwak away. Asha hurls some nunchucks at a tree, causing snow to fall on their heads. Asha sits on top of Umwak. When Gorneesh asks who she is, Asha identifies herself as the sister of Kneesaa and the daughter of Chief Chirpa. Kneesaa adds that the creatures of this forest are under her protection. Umwak claims that the Duloks did not make any harm. Asha responds that she thinks that his tail will make a good headband. Umwak disagrees and promises never to hunt here again. At Asha's prompting, Umwak promises that the Duloks will not hunt anywhere again.
A pair of korrina help Chuka-trok out of his pit. A sullen King Gorneesh agrees to Umwak's promise. Asha accepts their promise before sending them off fleeing on a log that has been turned into an improvised sled. Gorneesh vows vengeance on Asha. The Duloks fall down a steep cliff into a river.
Later that evening, Asha farewells her korrina family before departing with Kneesaa, Wicket and Chuka-trok. Back at Bright Tree Village, a worried Chief Chirpa ponders where his daughter could have gone while reading the letter. Kneesaa soon returns. Chirpa asks his daughter about her whereabouts, saying that she should not have gone out alone. Kneesaa apologizes, saying that she had to bring her long-lost sister home.
Chirpa is overjoyed to see his long-lost daughter Asha. The three weep tears of joy. Outside, Wicket and Chuka-trok watch with tears streaming down their eyes. As the snow falls on Bright Tree Village, they wish Kneesaa and her reunified family all the best before returning home. After this, the group returns home with Asha. They immediately go to Chirpa, who is delighted to see his daughter again.
This particular episode was later adapted into a children's book with the title The Red Ghost: An Ewok Adventure.
This episode was included on DVD in 2004 as a component of the Tales from the Endor Woods feature film. It can be located on side 2 of the disc.
The character of Asha, who receives her initial mention (but does not appear) in the episode titled "Rampage of the Phlogs," makes her on-screen debut in this episode. She is subsequently mentioned in the season-two episode titled "The Raich," and she makes appearances in the season-two episodes "Home is Where the Shrieks Are," "Night of the Stranger," "Horville's Hut of Horrors," and "Battle for the Sunstar."
According to information published in Star Wars Insider 27, the writers crafted this episode with the specific intention of attracting a larger female viewership. Their original plan involved further developing the character of Asha in the second season and beyond, but this plan was ultimately thwarted due to the changes they were compelled to implement in the second season, as well as the show's eventual cancellation.