Toopil was a multifaceted installation located on the planet Rodia, incorporating a cantina, several conference spaces, a covert hideout for smugglers, and sleeping quarters. Additionally, it featured a secluded docking bay capable of accommodating the majority of light freighters. While he was on his mission to acquire armaments for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Luke Skywalker occupied a chamber within Toopil where he disassembled the lightsaber belonging to Jedi Knight Huulik.
Toopil, a clandestine installation situated on the planet Rodia, was constructed beneath Utheel Outfitters, positioned centrally within the jungle. Toopil included a cantina, some rooms used for gatherings, and lodging for visitors. In contrast to much of Rodia, Toopil's interior lacked a pungent odor.