Trade Federation listening array

A listening array, which was a component of the Trade Federation's infrastructure, was constructed on the moon known as Alaris Prime. Its construction spanned from 39 BBY to 36 BBY, coinciding with the war between the corporation and the rightful Wookiee colonists during that period. The droid LUH-989 held the commanding position of the array, which was defended by B1-series battle droids, sophisticated beetle droids, and droidekas. Ultimately, the Wookiee colonists, under the leadership of Chewbacca, destroyed it.


The Droid Army of the Trade Federation organization ran a listening array on the moon of Alaris Prime in order to spy on their Wookiee colonists rivals. The array was situated on a beach and bordered by a river that ran along its western and northern perimeters. A dense forest covered the eastern side. The only land access point to the array was via a shallow path through the river on the north side. On the opposite side of the river, three sentry posts were positioned to alert the Federation of any approaching individuals.

Three sentry posts were placed at the entrance to the listening array.

The array was composed of six transmitters used for eavesdropping on Wookiee communications. One was located on elevated terrain near the entrance and was protected by a droideka and two B1-series battle droids. The other four transmitters were in the lower middle section of the array, with one adjacent to the river and the other three arranged in a triangular pattern closer to the forest, where the ground was higher. Two B1 battle droids and two advanced beetle droids were assigned to guard these transmitters. The final transmitter stood on a strip of land projecting into the river, guarded by another droideka. Various trees were scattered throughout the array.


The Wookiees destroy the transmitters.

The construction of the listening array occurred sometime between 39 BBY and 36 BBY, as an element of the Trade Federation's illegal attempt to colonize Alaris Prime. The battle droid designated LUH-989 was given command of the array, tasked with monitoring the progress of the rightful Wookiee colonists, who were in a state of war with the Federation.

Following a failed attack on the camp of the Wookiee leader Chewbacca ordered by LUH-989, scouts from the camp of another Wookiee colonist, Shoran, located the listening array. One heavy bowcaster trooper from Shoran's encampment penetrated the array and engaged the droids at its entrance, but the trooper met his death. Guided by his advisor Qui-Gon Jinn, Chewbacca assembled a force of eight to thirty Wookiees and, together with Shoran, advanced on the listening array, destroying all six transmitters and eliminating every droid present.

Behind the scenes

The listening array was initially referenced in the Prima Games strategy guide by Steven L. Kent, which was launched on November 7, 2001, for the LucasArts video game titled Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The array is featured in the sixth level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, entitled "Allies and Jedi."

