A listening array that was part of the Trade Federation's presence on the moon known as Alaris Prime was the target of an assault by Wookiee colonists. This group was under the leadership of both Chewbacca and Shoran. This event transpired during the war over Alaris Prime, a conflict spanning from 39 BBY to 36 BBY. The Trade Federation had set up the listening array with the intention to spy on the Wookiee population. LUH-989, the commander of the array, had previously launched a failed attack on Chewbacca's camp. Following this, Shoran's scouting parties located the listening array. Chewbacca and Shoran then joined forces to carry out the assault, successfully destroying the listening array's transmitters along with the defending battle droids.
The moon of Alaris Prime was the location of a war fought between the Wookiee colonists, who rightfully inhabited the moon, and the Trade Federation during the years of 39 BBY to 36 BBY. To keep tabs on the Wookiees' activities, the Trade Federation constructed a listening array made up of six transmitters. This array was under the command of a droid identified as LUH-989. LUH-989's forces previously attacked a camp led by the Wookiee leader Chewbacca, but were not successful.
After the Wookiees emerged victorious against those droids, the listening array was discovered by scouts from a camp headed by Shoran, another Wookiee colonist. Chewbacca proposed the destruction of the array, a suggestion that received agreement from Shoran as well as Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master within the Jedi Order who served as an advisor to the Wookiees. Chewbacca then gathered a force of between eight and thirty Wookiees and marched through Shoran's camp to reach the listening array.

Prior to Chewbacca's Wookiees and Shoran's arrival at the array, one of Shoran's heavy bowcaster troopers engaged two of the sentry posts situated across a river before proceeding into the listening array. The trooper was killed by the battle droids. Upon their arrival, they proceeded to destroy each of the transmitters present, along with all the battle droids, including four B1-series battle droids, two advanced beetle droids, and two droidekas.
Chewbacca received congratulations from Jinn for his successful strategies. Following the attack, Chewbacca made the decision to permanently remove the Trade Federation from Alaris Prime. This was achieved by destroying the fortress located at their main base during the Battle for Alaris Prime, which resulted in their complete departure from the moon.

The first mention of the attack on the listening array came in Prima Games' strategy guide for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, authored by Steven L. Kent and released on November 7, 2001. The game itself was released on November 11, 2001. This attack serves as the concluding conflict in the sixth level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, titled "Allies and Jedi." The game restricts the player from discovering the outpost prematurely using the walls of Shoran's camp, where a gate appears after specific story events are completed. Players are free to utilize any military units accessible within the game's second technology level for the attack, including bowcaster troopers, dragon troopers, grenade troopers, HummBike speeders, and Jedi Padawans, with one specifically identified as Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
According to the strategy guide, players who have consistently produced soldiers leading up to the attack should have between twenty and thirty Wookiees, although only eight are deemed necessary. The guide also noted a scripted event where Shoran's forces would engage the Trade Federation upon the player's units reaching the listening array. However, this event was not present in the final version of the game. Instead, a lone heavy bowcaster trooper from Shoran's camp attacks the sentry posts before entering the base, followed by Shoran himself. Should the player delay sending their Wookiees, Shoran may be killed by the Trade Federation forces. However, unlike the deaths of other key units in campaigns, such as Chewbacca, this does not immediately result in the level's failure. Unused audio files from the level reveal Jinn informing the player about Shoran's preparations to attack the array, suggesting that the player send any newly created troops to reinforce Shoran's forces.