Unidentified Trade Federation base

A stronghold, including a fortress, was established by the Trade Federation on the moon of Alaris Prime. Its construction took place between 39 BBY and 36 BBY during the Trade Federation's unlawful colonization of the lunar surface. OX9 labor droids maintained the installation, and SRAM-13 served as its commanding officer. This base housed various military structures, such as a troop center, a mech factory, and an airbase. It functioned as the primary center for Federation operations during their conflict with Wookiee colonists vying for control of Alaris Prime. During the concluding engagement of the conflict, known as the Battle for Alaris Prime, the Wookiee leader Chewbacca specifically targeted the fortress within the base to eliminate the Trade Federation's presence from the moon.

Near the Trade Federation's base, Chewbacca and his Wookiee forces set up their own installation, organizing their defenses against attacks launched by SRAM-13's battle droids and starfighters. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn advised the Wookiees to concentrate their efforts on destroying the fortress to effectively remove the Trade Federation from Alaris Prime, and he actively participated with the Wookiees on the battlefield to ensure its completion. The colonists augmented their army with pummels and starfighters, employing them to dismantle the base's defenses and allow their infantry to advance. The pummels obliterated the fortress, thereby securing the Wookiees' dominion over Alaris Prime.


Environment and outer defenses

The southwestern entrance of the base

The Trade Federation installation on the moon of Alaris Prime served as the hub of the corporation's activities in that location. The base was situated on grassland at the summit of a mountain and was bordered by cliffs. A lake was located to the north of the base, and a river curved around the eastern and southern perimeters before flowing southward. This river created a natural boundary between the base and a nearby Wookiee settlement. The northern section of the base, positioned between the cliffs and the lake, was densely populated with trees.

A light wall encircled the base, with certain areas shielded by a natural barrier of trees. A gate on the southern side of the wall opened onto a path leading south to a river ford. The gate was defended by two turrets, and two more turrets protected the ford. Another entrance was formed by a substantial gap in the walls on the southwestern side of the base, guarded by a single turret. This entrance could be reached via another ford on the southern stretch of the river. Beyond the walls, a series of sentry posts were strategically positioned to alert the Trade Federation to any approaching adversaries.

Structures and resources

A shipyard was built on the river near the base.

The base featured several military buildings designed to support the Trade Federation Droid Army. A command center served as its operational core, surrounded by eight farms. A C-9979 landing craft was once stationed near the command center. An airbase stood close to the gate, a mech factory was situated northeast of the command center, and a troop center was positioned northwest, adjacent to the wall. At the northeastern edge of the base was a fortress, equipped with an autoturret and anti-air defenses. The fortress was marked by a marker at each corner and had a break in the surrounding wall. Two power cores were located within the base to supply energy to the various structures.

Close to the troop center, there were various sources of natural resources, including deposits of ore, muja fruit bushes, and trees that could be harvested for carbon. Processing facilities for ore, food, and carbon were also constructed in that vicinity. On the base's eastern side, there was a stockpile of nova crystals and a nova processing center for their storage. An aquatic shipyard was built on the river, from which two utility trawlers captured and stored fish. A type of mynocks capable of surviving outside the vacuum of space infested the base, posing a risk to structures and technology due to their dietary preference for silicon and other materials and energy present in power cables and other systems. More docile creatures such as nerfs and banthas also inhabited the base's periphery, all of which could be used as sources of food. Eleven OX9 labor droids were responsible for gathering the base's resources.


The construction of the base occurred during the Trade Federation's illegal colonization attempt on Alaris Prime between 39 BBY and 36 BBY. SRAM-13, a member of the Droid Army, commanded the base, which served as the central hub for the Federation's operations on Alaris Prime. Pekt, a Trandoshan ally of the corporation and a notorious Wookiee exterminator, also operated from the base. During the conflict for control of the moon between the Trade Federation and the rightful Wookiee colonists during the Battle for Alaris Prime, Wookiee scouts discovered the base. Following the destruction of other Trade Federation assets, the Wookiee leader Chewbacca and his Jedi advisor, Qui-Gon Jinn, targeted the base. They reasoned that destroying the fortress within would force the Trade Federation to abandon Alaris Prime.

The Battle for Alaris Prime

The Wookiees established a settlement south of the Trade Federation base, fortifying their defenses while SRAM-13 dispatched a contingent of beetle droids and a droideka to assault their sentry posts. SRAM-13 also deployed three light droid starfighters to scout the Wookiee base. Eventually, the Wookiees, under the leadership of Chewbacca, Jinn, Attichitcuk, and Shoran, initiated their assault on the base. After eliminating the turrets guarding the path to the base, the Wookiees launched a squadron of starfighters: ten Agrs and three Heavy Blade bombers.

The bombers destroyed the turrets and power cores within the base, while the fighters eliminated the OX9s and battle droids, avoiding the fortress's anti-air missiles. With a clear path, the ground forces, including bowcaster troopers and sentinel strike mechs, advanced into the base. The Wookiees then deployed three energy pummels, which possessed sufficient armor to withstand the fortress's autoturrets. The pummels leveled the fortress, securing victory for the Wookiees and establishing their control over Alaris Prime, although two Neimoidian transports escaped from the wreckage. Pekt was aboard one of these transports, vowing to continue profiting from the sale of Wookiee pelts as his transport departed.

Behind the scenes

The Trade Federation base on Alaris Prime was designed for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The base was first mentioned in Prima Games' accompanying strategy guide by Steven L. Kent, released four days prior to the game. The base is central to the final level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, titled "The Battle for Alaris Prime," which the player can win by destroying the fortress. Players have the option to destroy other structures within the base besides the fortress, but it is not required to complete the level.

The strategy guide indicates the presence of battle droids within the base, although they do not appear in the game. Galactic Battlegrounds offers players multiple approaches to invading the base. The strategy guide suggests destroying the turrets along the path to the base using bombers or aquatic cruisers, followed by the use of aircraft and pummels to breach both the walls and the fortress. While the base is initially equipped with light turrets, the game's AI may upgrade them to medium turrets if sufficient resources are available. Similarly, a bio cannon could be constructed and positioned next to the fortress within the base.

