
Structures known as Markers were constructed and utilized across the vast expanse of the galaxy by diverse civilizations, including the Gungans hailing from Naboo and the Wookiees originating from Kashyyyk. These markers consisted of a pair of forked wooden components, with a banner stretched tautly between them. Their utility spanned various purposes, from emphasizing a specific building within a settlement to indicating a route toward a designated location. In the era of 3000 BBY, the Gungan rogue Marsune strategically employed markers within his secluded forest base, particularly around its animal nursery. At some point in the timeframe between 39 and 36 BBY, markers found application on the moon of Alaris Prime amidst colonization endeavors undertaken by both the Wookiees and the Trade Federation. Gungans continued their use of markers during the Invasion of Naboo.


Across the galaxy, markers served as purposefully built and utilized structures. Their construction involved two wooden poles, secured at their base by a white material, diverging diagonally from one another. A banner was stretched between these poles, featuring a central vertical rectangle that the owner would color. Regardless of who built them, the design of these markers remained consistent.


Markers at Marsune's base

In 3000 BBY, on the planet of Naboo, the Gungan thief known as Marsune made use of markers featuring blue-colored rectangles. These were placed within his gang's clandestine forest base, situated near the city of Otoh Sancture. Specifically, four markers were positioned around the animal nursery within the base, effectively highlighting its presence. Marsune utilized this nursery to house five nerfs, a species of antlered creature acquired through trade with him from Boss Gallo, the leader of Otoh Sancture, in exchange for four worker Glurrgs.

During the period spanning from 39 to 36 BBY, markers played a role in the colonization efforts on the moon of Alaris Prime. These efforts were undertaken by both Wookiee colonists originating from Kashyyyk, who possessed legal authorization from the Galactic Republic to colonize the world, and the Trade Federation, which sought to illegally claim Alaris Prime. Attichitcuk, the first Wookiee to set foot on the moon, established a small settlement and strategically placed several markers with orange-colored rectangles to guide others to the camp's location. Subsequently, Attichitcuk's nephew, Shoran, arrived on the moon and engaged in scouting activities, leaving behind a trail of markers that eventually ceased upon encountering a power core constructed by the Trade Federation. Shoran maintained his position until his cousin, Chewbacca, who is also Attichitcuk's son, reached him by following the markers with the assistance of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Upon reuniting, Chewbacca and Shoran, acting on Jinn's suggestion, destroyed the power core and then proceeded to follow the markers left by Attichitcuk until they arrived at his settlement.

Chewbacca and Shoran followed Attichitcuk's markers on Alaris Prime.

Later, two markers were utilized within another settlement on Alaris Prime, under the leadership of Chewbacca. These markers were positioned at the entrance to the camp and served as a gathering point for Wookiee warriors preparing to rescue Attichitcuk, who had been shot and nearly killed by Trade Federation battle droids commanded by DRN-38. Chewbacca led the Wookiees in a mission to save his father and defeat the droids responsible for his injuries.

The Trade Federation also incorporated markers into one of their bases. They strategically placed four markers, each featuring gray rectangles, around their fortress within a base commanded by the droid SRAM-13. The Wookiees destroyed both the base and the fortress in an attack that ultimately drove the Federation off Alaris Prime.

During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Trade Federation forces, under the command of Darth Maul, discovered the Gungan Boss Ganne concealing himself next to a marker. A marker adorned with a red banner marked the entrance to the hidden Gungan city of Rellias. Additionally, two markers featuring green rectangles were present at the Gungan Sacred Place when evacuees fleeing the Trade Federation's attack on the Gungan capital of Otoh Gunga sought refuge there.

Behind the scenes

The eight different colors that can appear on markers

Markers were initially referenced in the strategy guide authored by Steven L. Kent and released on November 7, 2001. This guide accompanied the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. In the inaugural level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, titled "Moving and Attacking," markers are employed to instruct players on how to maneuver their units. In subsequent campaign levels, markers serve to highlight specific buildings that players are tasked with either destroying or directing units towards. The objectives section of the fourth level in the Trade Federation campaign, "Capturing the Crown," directs players to construct a Neimoidian Throne within a designated set of markers; however, a set of units referred to as flags are used instead. In the game's scenario editor mode, players have the ability to place markers, with the color of the rectangle at their center determined by the color selected by the player for their units. The available colors encompass blue, red, green, yellow, gray, purple, cyan, and orange.

