Marsune (Gungan)

Marsune was a male Otolla Gungan inhabiting the planet of Naboo around 3000 BBY. In that year, the Gungan tribes were engaged in a period of war. During this time, Marsune established an outlaw gang, becoming known among the Gungans as a thief who took from the more avaricious Bosses to share with the less fortunate tribes. While residing at his forest base, Marsune encountered Boss Gallo. Gallo was a refugee from the destruction of his city, Otoh Sancture, which was razed by a clan of bursas. Bursas are a semi-sentient carnivorous species native to Naboo. Marsune, in an effort to avoid involvement in the conflict, only consented to trade four worker Glurrgs for five nerfs that Gallo had discovered in the forest.

Gallo then ventured into the forest and assembled a small fighting force with the ability to attack the bursas responsible for the destruction of Otoh Sancture. After successfully completing this task, he met Marsune again. Marsune had reconsidered his stance and expressed a desire to assist Gallo. Subsequently, the two Gungans embarked on a mission to unite the warring tribes and defeat Rogoe, the warlord who had secretly orchestrated the destruction of Otoh Sancture. Marsune and Gallo journeyed to the main Gungan settlements, undertaking various missions to secure their loyalty. Ultimately, Gallo organized an assault on Rogoe's stronghold, Spearhead. Marsune played a pivotal role in shifting the battle's momentum by enlisting the Bongomeken Collective, a company specializing in the production of bongo submarines, which were essential for attacking the underwater sections of Spearhead. Rogoe was killed during the battle, and Spearhead was rebuilt by Gallo as Otoh Gunga. Marsune was appointed as the first captain of Gallo's newly formed Grand Army. Marsune and Gallo were remembered as heroes by future Gungan generations.


Marsune, an Otolla Gungan of male gender, resided on the planet Naboo in the year 3000 BBY, which was a prolonged period of war amongst the Gungan tribes. During this time, Marsune rose to prominence as a local folk hero. He developed a widespread reputation for seizing the wealth of the more covetous Bosses and redistributing it among the less privileged inhabitants. Furthermore, he commanded a small gang composed of fellow Gungan outlaws, who spent the majority of their time concealed within Naboo's swamps and forests. They also maintained a hidden base in close proximity to the city of Otoh Sancture. Marsune largely remained isolated during the Gungan war until Gallo, the Boss of Otoh Sancture, discovered Marsune's base in the aftermath of his city's destruction by bursas, a hazardous semi-sentient species native to Naboo. These creatures had been dispatched by Rogoe, a Gungan warlord who was covertly manipulating the conflict between the Gungan tribes for his own advantage. He sought to kill Gallo, recognizing him as one of the more influential Bosses whose potential alliance could alter the course of the war. Marsune, desiring to remain uninvolved in the conflict, only consented to trade five nerfs, an edible animal species, from Gallo in exchange for four Glurrgs, a non-sentient species valued for its labor capabilities. Gallo agreed to the transaction and departed Marsune's base with the Glurrgs. Later, while exploring the forest, he uncovered Rogoe's involvement in the destruction of his city, prompting the Boss to raise a small army to attack the bursas that had established nests within the ruins of Otoh Sancture.

Following Gallo's triumph in eliminating the bursas, Marsune journeyed to the remnants of Otoh Sancture and pledged to join the boss's campaign against Rogoe, as the revelation of the warlord's role in Otoh Sancture's demise offended Marsune's sense of honor. Marsune collaborated with Gallo as he traversed the warring Gungan cities, making efforts to unite them under his cause. With the Gungan tribes united in a Grand Army, Marsune participated in the Raid on Spearhead, a significant assault on Rogoe's fortress city, Spearhead. The captain informed Gallo that the army would be unable to seize Spearhead without an underwater contingent. Consequently, Gallo tasked Marsune with traveling to the base of the Bongomeken Collective to procure the necessary vessels. Marsune succeeded, and Rogoe and his army were ultimately vanquished, with Gallo vowing to rebuild Spearhead as Otoh Gunga, a symbol of Gungan unity. The two leaders attained legendary status in Gungan history, with children recreating their adventures in the game "Marsune and Gallo" within Naboo's forests and swamps.

Personality and traits

Marsune was known as a rogue and a thief, but his intentions were rooted in nobility, as he sought to redistribute wealth to the less fortunate Gungans. When Gallo sought Marsune's assistance, the captain dismissed his plea to avenge Otoh Sancture, sarcastically referring to it as a "grand quest" and expressing amusement. However, upon discovering Rogoe's involvement, Marsune experienced a change of heart, becoming a steadfast supporter of Gallo and embracing the morality of their cause.


During the war between the Gungans, Marsune rode a kaadu.

Behind the scenes

Marsune was initially mentioned in Prima Games strategy guide for the 2001 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, before his appearance in the game upon its release. David Jeremiah provided the voice for Marsune.

Marsune's methods of stealing from affluent bosses and providing to poorer tribes are reminiscent of the legendary English folk hero, Robin Hood.

