Bongomeken Collective base

The Bongomeken Collective base, situated within the Gungan Swamp on the planet Naboo, was owned and operated by the Gungan manufacturing enterprise known as the Bongomeken Collective. Around 3000 BBY, Boss Gallo of Otoh Sancture dispatched Captain Marsune to this facility, requesting corporate assistance in defeating the warlord Boss Rogoe. This aid was to come in the form of bongos for the Gungan Grand Army. The company acquiesced to this request, providing Gallo with a shipment of ten bongos. The base's infrastructure comprised three prefab shelters, a fortress, a command center, a pair of shipyards, three turrets, and a duo of power cores. The base was built in a small clearing within a forest, adjacent to a water source used by the company for bongo storage.

Behind the scenes

This base is featured exclusively in the 2001 PC video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, along with its expansion, Clone Campaigns. Specifically, it appears during the third mission of the Bass Nass campaign, entitled "Raid on Spearhead." Although the Prima strategy guide for the game, which was available one week prior to the game's release, does not explicitly mention the base, it does indicate that the player must direct Marsune to the "Bongomeken Collective."

