Attack on Chewbacca's camp

During the conflict on the moon of Alaris Prime, a site of contention between the Trade Federation and Wookiee colonists from 39 BBY to 36 BBY, the camp of the Wookiee Chewbacca suffered an assault from battle droids under the command of LUH-989. His ally, Shoran, alerted Chewbacca to the impending attack, which provided time for him to gather his troops at the camp's perimeter. Every battle droid involved in the assault was destroyed. Subsequently, Chewbacca and Shoran's combined forces obliterated a listening array belonging to the Trade Federation, ultimately expelling them from Alaris Prime.


Alaris Prime, a moon orbiting Alaris within the Kashyyyk system, became a battlefield between 39 BBY and 36 BBY. This war pitted the Wookiee colonists, who rightfully claimed the moon, against the Trade Federation. Following the Wookiees' destruction of a Trade Federation outpost, Chewbacca, the leader of the colonists, found himself at a camp close to a settlement operated by Shoran, his comrade. Acting on the advice of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, appointed by the Jedi Order as an advisor to the Wookiees, Chewbacca oversaw the construction of a Jedi temple within his camp. Upon its completion, Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, journeyed to Alaris Prime to retrieve a Jedi holocron discovered in Shoran's camp. Immediately after Kenobi stepped into Shoran's camp, the Wookiee detected a contingent of Trade Federation Droid Army battle droids, remotely commanded by the droid LUH-989, advancing towards Chewbacca's camp. Upon receiving this information, Jinn suggested sounding an alarm to ensure the safety of the camp's workers. Simultaneously, a group of five to six Wookiees, including Chewbacca, at least two bowcaster troopers, and a dragon trooper, prepared to confront the approaching droids at the edge of the camp.

The attack

The initial wave of attackers consisted of three flamethrower-equipped beetle droids under LUH-989's command, but they were swiftly destroyed by the Wookiees' bowcasters and flamethrowers. Subsequently, six Battle Droid Beta Versions armed with E-5 blaster rifles advanced, only to meet the same fate. Shoran's camp also experienced the repercussions of this assault.


Shoran requested aid in recovering from the attack, specifically one hundred nova crystals. Jinn agreed to provide this assistance as gratitude for Shoran's warning to Chewbacca. In return, Shoran offered one hundred units of ore. Meanwhile, Kenobi returned from Shoran's camp with the holocron, placing it within the Jedi temple, where it could generate more nova crystals for the Wookiees. Jinn advised the Wookiees to bolster their troops in preparation for future attacks. Later, scouts from Shoran's camp discovered a listening array, also under LUH-989's command. Forces from both Chewbacca and Shoran's camps joined together to annihilate it. The Battle for Alaris Prime subsequently led to the expulsion of Trade Federation forces from the moon.

Behind the scenes

The assault on Chewbacca's camp was initially referenced in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, released on November 7, 2001. Later, it appeared in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The attack unfolds during the sixth level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, titled "Allies and Jedi." It is a scripted event that occurs when Obi-Wan Kenobi passes through Shoran's camp gates to retrieve the holocron. At the start of the level, the player commands four combat-ready units: Chewbacca, two bowcaster troopers, and one dragon trooper. The player can also create additional units, including grenade troopers, speeder bike scouts, and Jedi Padawans.

While Jinn suggests that the player safeguard their worker units by garrisoning them within the base's command center, the strategy guide contends that such a measure is unnecessary due to the limited size of the invading force. The guide asserts that only five or six Wookiees are needed to secure victory and that the level is difficult to lose, although failure occurs if Chewbacca is killed.

