Attack on the Trade Federation outpost

Between the years of 39 BBY and 36 BBY, during the Alaris Prime Colonial War over the moon of Alaris Prime, a Trade Federation outpost was assaulted by a Wookiee group under the leadership of Chewbacca. These Wookiee colonists initiated Chewbacca's campaign to drive the Federation out of Alaris Prime. This followed an ambush targeting his father, Wookiee Chieftain Attichitcuk. The selection of the outpost as a target stemmed from its role in producing B1-series battle droids. Following guidance from Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, the Wookiees established a base across a river from the outpost. They then commenced training additional soldiers there after pinpointing the location of the outpost. Chewbacca spearheaded the attack with a team of eleven other Wookiees, successfully eliminating the five battle droids guarding the outpost, as well as the barracks.


At some point in time spanning from 39 BBY to 36 BBY, a war erupted between Wookiee colonists and the Trade Federation organization for control of the moon, Alaris Prime. Attichitcuk, the Wookiee Chieftain was almost killed by Trade Federation Droid Army B1-series battle droids, but his son, Chewbacca, saved him and took over as the colonists' new leader.

The base where Chewbacca trained troops to attack the outpost

Chewbacca, with the help of Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Order advisor, devised a plan to scare the Trade Federation's leaders into leaving Alaris Prime by showing them how strong they were. He chose a Trade Federation outpost that made B1 battle droids as the target. The colonists made a new base close to where the outpost was. With Jinn's advice, they built a barracks to train soldiers and a factory to build two HummBikes, which are a kind of speeder bike.

Using these vehicles, Wookiee scouts could not find the Trade Federation outpost on the available land. Jinn figured that it must be on the other side of the river near the base. The Wookiees built a shipyard on the riverbank and put together a water transport ship to take the scouts across the water. After the riders found the outpost, Chewbacca trained a group of eleven other warriors to attack it. This group included bowcaster troopers, dragon troopers who rode katarns and had flamethrowers, and thermal detonator troopers, along with a Wookiee medical droid. Chewbacca and these Wookiees got on transport ships that were built at the shipyard and crossed the river to get to the path leading to the outpost.

The battle

The dragon and grenade troopers started the battle by attacking the thin wall around the outpost. The five B1 battle droids stationed there, commanded by GWC-04 remotely, shot at the Wookiees with their E-5 blaster rifles. Chewbacca and the other bowcaster troopers shot back and destroyed them. After some parts of the wall were broken down, the Wookiees went into the outpost and used the flamethrowers and thermal detonators to destroy the troop center, which stopped the Trade Federation from making as many battle droids on Alaris Prime.


B1 battle droids and a droideka on Alaris Prime after the battle

Even though they lost the outpost, the Trade Federation stayed on Alaris Prime. After they attacked one of the Wookiee bases, Chewbacca and his team destroyed a Trade Federation listening array and eventually kicked the corporation off Alaris Prime completely in the Battle for Alaris Prime.

Behind the scenes

The attack on the Trade Federation outpost was initially showcased in a preview featured on IGN's website on October 10, 2001. This preview was for the LucasArts video game titled Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. Subsequently, the attack received a detailed description in Prima Games' accompanying strategy guide, which was released on November 7, 2001. It later appeared in the game itself upon its release on November 11. This attack serves as the central element of the fifth level within the Wookiee tutorial campaign, known as "Exploration and Transport." On the tutorial selection screen, Galactic Battlegrounds suggests this level as a suitable starting point for individuals already acquainted with the mechanics of real-time strategy games.

The attack provides players with a chance to reinforce their real-time strategy abilities through a straightforward mission, allowing them to practice constructing bases and armies. Players can proceed even if they incur substantial troop losses, but the battle is lost if Chewbacca meets his end. In contrast to the majority of levels in the campaigns and standard game mode settings, players have visibility of the enemy base on the in-game maps, even through the unexplored black area referred to as the fog of war. The strategy guide presents certain facets of the battle differently from the final game version. It asserts that several battle droids await the player along the path to the camp and that additional droids emerge from the troop center to engage the Wookiees. Furthermore, the guide advises building an army consisting of fifteen Wookiees for the attack, while in the game, Jinn suggests that only twelve will suffice. This article adheres to the game's depiction of events as the accurate representation.

