Wookiee medical droid

Wookiee Medical Droids

Medical droids of class one droid variety were constructed by the Wookiees, and known as Wookiee medical droids.


These droids, designated as Class one and utilized for medical purposes, were manufactured by the Wookiee species. Their design incorporated a broad, wheeled foundation, with a central column linking the lower and upper sections of the droid, accompanied by a pair of tubes extending from its back down to the base. The upper portion of the droid featured two arms and a head.


On the moon of Alaris Prime, a Wookiee medical droid was fabricated during the war that transpired between 39 BBY and 36 BBY involving the Wookiee colonists and the Trade Federation. Attichitcuk, a Wookiee Chieftain, suffered an ambush at the hands of the Trade Federation Droid Army and was presumed dead. Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master and Attichitcuk's advisor, urged Attichitcuk's son, Chewbacca, to maintain composure, suggesting the creation of a Wookiee medical droid to rescue him. The Wookiees assembled the medical droid at their command center, then departed their base to save the chieftain after ten bowcaster troopers completed training. They battled through numerous Battle Droid Beta Versions en route to Attichitcuk, where the medical droid managed to restore the chieftain to a condition where he could walk. Jinn advised the Wookiees that their medical droid could provide healing between lightfights. Despite continued attacks from the Trade Federation, the Wookiees successfully escorted Attichituck back to their base.

Later, during the Liberation of Kashyyyk in 4 ABY, Wookiee medical droids saw further deployment.

Behind the scenes

The mention of Wookiee medical droids first appeared in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, which was published on November 7, 2001. Subsequently, they were featured in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released on November 11, 2001.

