Triv Blago, who existed in the High Republic Era, was a Faust creature-merchant. Blago once contracted Ty Yorrick, a Tholothian mercenary and monster hunter who formerly served as a Jedi, to secure a gundark located on Blarrum. However, Yorrick's attempt to capture the gundark alive was thwarted by a Segredo who had tracked her, eager to witness her skills. Upon Yorrick's return to Kul Kenada Spaceport with the gundark's head, Blago erupted in anger, exclaiming that she had caused them a significant financial loss. Blago commanded their guards to open fire on her, but their orders were cut short by the arrival of a pair of Jedi who intended to apprehend Blago for the unlawful capture and transportation of hazardous creatures. As the Jedi engaged Blago's guards in combat, Yorrick made her escape, overturning some of the animal enclosures. Ultimately, the Jedi overpowered the trader and placed them under arrest.