
Tul'kar, a Rakata male, held the rank of Predor within his species' Infinite Empire, functioning as a military leader. He mentored Xesh, a Human slave, turning him into his personal Force Hound. During his time serving Tul'kar, this young warrior guided his master to numerous planets abundant in the Force throughout the galaxy. In 25,793 BBY, Xesh was tasked by Skal'nas with pinpointing a world exceptionally strong with the Force, located in the Deep Core. Because Xesh was his Force Hound, Tul'kar asserted his right to claim the planet through conquest. However, upon reaching the Tython system, Tul'kar's warship, the Devourer, sustained critical damage, and Tul'kar met his end amidst the ensuing chaos, slain by his own Hound. Xesh then absconded in Tul'kar's personal escape pod, fleeing the wreckage.


Prior to 25,793 BBY, Tul'kar, a male Rakata, had already achieved the position of Predor in the Infinite Empire. While observing the slaves utilized by the Rakata to power their technology, Tul'kar detected a significant presence of the Force within a young Human referred to as Xesh. Consequently, he liberated the boy from the machinery and began training him as a Force Hound, warriors sensitive to the Force who were employed by the Infinite Empire to discover planets rich in the Force across the galaxy. Xesh evolved into a formidable Force Hound under Tul'kar's instruction. During Xesh's training, Tul'kar arranged a contest between Xesh and one of his broodmates, a female named Trill, for his own amusement. Xesh triumphed in the battle under Tul'kar's observation, after which Tul'kar presented Xesh with a Forcesaber, a Rakatan weapon, with the intention that he eliminate the defeated Trill. However, Xesh instead suggested that Trill be given to Skal'nas, Tul'kar's superior, as a Force Hound, a proposition that Tul'kar accepted with amusement.

Subsequently, a contest was organized in the arena on the planet Byss between Xesh and Isk, Skal'nas's Force Hound. Tul'kar and Skal'nas then placed bets on the outcome of the fight. Xesh ultimately emerged victorious, and Tul'kar reveled in Xesh's triumph and his lack of mercy, while Skal'nas commanded that Isk be prepared for their meal. Serving as Tul'kar's Force Hound, Xesh guided his master to worlds strong with the Force, such as Sriluur, the home planet of the Weequay species. He also identified the most Force-sensitive individuals among the populations of these planets. In 25,793 BBY, Xesh led Tul'kar and his forces to Tatooine, which Tul'kar's forces then conquered, capturing many of the native Kumumgah.

Xesh and Tul'kar on Tatooine

Under Tul'kar's orders, Xesh eliminated the Force-sensitives from the Kumumgah population. When the father of a Kumumgah named Lonai became enraged by the murder of his son, Tul'kar killed him using Force lightning. A Rakata named Ore'mun then delivered a message from Skal'nas, requesting that Tul'kar and Xesh return to Skal'nas's stronghold on Byss, while Ore'mun would remain to oversee the culling. Sensing Ore'mun's desire for his position, Tul'kar used the Force to grip Ore'mun's throat, choking him before electrocuting him to death. Tul'kar then instructed his subordinates to prepare Ore'mun's body for him to consume his defeated rival.

On Byss, Skal'nas disregarded Tul'kar's anger at being removed from the Tatooine conquest and explained that he needed Xesh's abilities. Trill had sensed a Force-rich world within the Deep Core, but she couldn't pinpoint its exact location. When questioned by Skal'nas, Xesh admitted that he could locate the world, but his statement angered Trill. Tul'kar watched as the two Force Hounds began to fight each other—a battle that Xesh won, nearly killing Trill before Skal'nas intervened. Annoyed, Tul'kar expressed his desire to see who the dominant Force Hound would be, and he quickly asserted his right to conquer the planet when Xesh agreed to Skal'nas's request to find it.

However, when Tul'kar's warship, the Devourer, arrived in the Tython system, which housed Tython, the Force-rich world they sought, the Devourer was rocked by explosions. As the crippled warship plummeted toward Tython, Tul'kar and two of his guards battled their way through the panicked slaves to reach Tul'kar's escape pod. However, the Predor discovered that the warriors guarding the pod had been killed. Enraged, Tul'kar demanded to know who was responsible, only to be stabbed through the chest with a Forcesaber by Xesh, who was under Skal'nas's mental control. Leaving his dead master on the ship, Xesh escaped in the pod as the Devourer crashed on Tython's surface. Skal'nas, enraged upon discovering that the Devourer's reporting beacon was offline, assumed that Tul'kar was trying to claim the world for himself and dispatched Trill to locate Xesh and the planet.

Personality and traits

Tul'kar uses Force lightning.

Tul'kar was a cruel and merciless male Rakata, distinguished by his blue skin and yellow eyes. He also had four diamond-shaped tattoos on the crown of his head. He displayed no empathy or sentimentality toward those he deemed inferior, and his sense of superiority led him to hold his superior, Predor Skal'nas, in contempt. Like other members of his species, Tul'kar was a cannibal and willingly consumed his executed rivals, even if they were his subordinates or allies.

Powers and abilities

Tul'kar was a potent Force-sensitive with a strong connection to the dark side. He possessed the ability to use both telekinesis and Force lightning, and he considered himself to be a highly skilled warrior.

Behind the scenes

The preview issue 0 for the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi comic book series first mentioned Tul'kar, and he made his initial appearance in the first issue of the series. Tul'kar's death occurred during the events of the second issue, although it was not depicted until the fourth. He has also appeared in flashbacks depicting Xesh and Trill's past in several subsequent issues.

