
Ore'mun was a Rakatan character, a member of a Force-sensitive species, who functioned as a spy within the Infinite Empire. He worked for Predor Skal'nas, a Rakatan overlord. In 25,793 BBY, when another Predor, Tul'kar, commanded Rakatan forces in an invasion of the world Tatooine with the purpose of gathering enslaved people and eliminating Force-sensitive individuals from the native population, Ore'mun accompanied him under Skal'nas's direction. Ore'mun coveted Tul'kar's position in command of the invasion, and when Skal'nas's new orders granted that command to him, Tul'kar, enraged, used Force lightning to kill Ore'mun, who was displaying a smug attitude, and then prepared to consume the body.


Ore'mun was a Rakatan, belonging to a species naturally gifted with the Force. This Force-sensitive race had established the Infinite Empire, which held dominion over the galaxy. Rakatan technology depended on the Force, and the Empire consequently sought out and enslaved populations from various worlds who exhibited a strong connection to the Force, utilizing Force-sensitives known as Force Hounds. In the year 25,793 BBY, Ore'mun served the Infinite Empire, acting as a spy for Predor Skal'nas, a Rakatan overlord. Skal'nas tasked Ore'mun with joining the ambitious Predor Tul'kar, who, despite being subordinate, was leading a conquest of the planet Tatooine, a world discovered by Tul'kar's Force Hound Xesh.

Ore'mun demise at the hand of Tul'kar.

The starships belonging to the Infinite Empire made their arrival at the verdant planet, and Rakatan warriors proceeded to subjugate the indigenous Kumumgah people. On the edge of a burning city, Ore'mun observed as Xesh identified Force-sensitives among the local population; at that point, the spy received updated instructions transmitted from Skal'nas. Ore'mun complimented Tul'kar on Xesh's talents, subtly emphasizing Skal'nas's superior position, before confidently delivering the new orders: Tul'kar was required to meet with Skal'nas on the planet Byss, while Ore'mun was to stay on Tatooine and oversee the elimination of Force-sensitive individuals. Overwhelmed with fury at the display of smugness, Tul'kar employed telekinesis to choke Ore'mun and then dispatched the spy with a blast of Force lightning. Tul'kar's subordinates then prepared Ore'mun's remains so that the Predor could devour his defeated enemy.

Personality and traits

Being a Rakatan, Ore'mun possessed sensitivity to the Force. Ambition drove Ore'mun, and he desired to take Predor Tul'kar's position in command of the Tatooine invasion, emotions that Tul'kar could sense through the Force. The spy derived pleasure from conveying Skal'nas's directive for Tul'kar to return to Byss, making sure to remind the Predor of his subordinate status to Skal'nas. Ore'mun's physical characteristics included green skin, brown eyes, and a lack of hair.

Behind the scenes

Ore'mun's first appearance occurred in Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm 1. This comic-book issue was penned by John Ostrander and illustrated by Jan Duursema. Dark Horse Comics released the issue on February 15, 2012.

