Ubin Des was a human female who initially served the Alliance to Restore the Republic, but later defected to the Partisans sometime before the Battle of Yavin.
Des was born on the planet Jedha. At some point, Des became a member of the Rebel Alliance's special forces. While stationed on Yavin 4, she learned of the destruction that befell Jedha's Holy City. Des expressed a desire to participate in Rogue One's mission to Scarif, but was unfortunately ill at that time.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Des aligned herself with the remaining Partisans on Jedha, who were under the leadership of Benthic. Des, along with fellow Partisans Saurval and Chulco Gi, found themselves under attack by several snowtroopers on Jedha. They were rescued by the Jedi Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. Des and Gi accompanied Skywalker and Organa as they escaped an Imperial patrol transport aboard the Millennium Falcon. She engaged in conversation with Organa, discussing the possibility of re-establishing connections between the Partisans and the Alliance, though she expressed doubt that an agreement could be reached.
Subsequently, Des and Gi placed bags over the heads of Skywalker, Organa, and Han Solo, transporting them to the Partisans' new hidden base. Des piloted the Falcon, successfully navigating to the base where she presented them to Benthic.
Initially, Benthic considered executing the Rebels, but he ultimately agreed to listen to Leia's proposal. He then consented to accept her supplies and discussed the potential of re-affiliating with the Alliance. Following this, Skywalker and Benthic boarded the drill citadel. Benthic coerced a technician into deactivating the shields, enabling the Partisans and the Falcon to launch an attack on the citadel. After the operation, the Falcon transported the surviving Partisans and refugees to NaJedha. Benthic pledged that he and his partisans would protect Jedha until its demise. Leia agreed to reinstate the Partisans' collaboration with the Alliance. Ubin Des was awarded the Medal of Bravery by Captain Solo as recognition of her valiant deeds.