A being with hairy protrusions, in service to the slave trader Lady Ucce, journeyed to Crseih Station aboard her starship. While on board, Leia Organa Solo came seeking information regarding her abducted offspring, and encountered this servant.
This individual was in the employ of Lady Ucce during 14 ABY. Ucce, a slave trader, was a supporter of the clandestine Imperial faction known as the Empire Reborn. Lord Hethrir led this group, aiming to overthrow the New Republic and establish a new Empire with the Force-sensitive Hethrir as its Emperor. Slave [trade](/article/merchant-legends], sponsored by Lady Ucce and other Imperial aristocrats, provided the financial backing for the movement. Ucce and her servant made their way to Crseih Station to witness Anakin Solo's sacrifice. Anakin Solo, the son of Leia Organa Solo, the Chief of State of the New Republic, was to be sacrificed to the Waru by Hethrir, a being from a parallel universe. Remaining on Ucce's golden starship, the servant met Organa Solo. Mistaking Organa Solo for a potential slave purchaser, the servant directed her to Lady Ucce's location at the Crater Lodge.
The servant of Lady Ucce belonged to a sentient species characterized by hairy, pliable protuberances, each culminating in a star-shaped array of fleshy tendrils. These appendages served as sensory organs, with the tendrils orienting and twitching in the direction of the individual's focus. The servant possessed the ability to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard.
Vonda N. McIntyre conceived this character for her novel The Crystal Star, which Bantam Spectra published in 1994. Neither the character nor its species received a name.