The Hutt Cartel possessed a fortified hideout on the world of Dandoran, within which they accumulated a stockpile of medical equipment. This base comprised a square perimeter wall that surrounded a pair of alloy storage facilities and a pair of credit repositories, all defended by a duo of automated defense systems (autoturrets) in addition to a centrally located deflector shield generator. Sometime between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth, amidst the larger Galactic Civil War fought between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the Alliance sought assistance from a team of hired soldiers to retrieve the medical provisions stored within this hideout. These mercenaries agreed to the task, and throughout the operation, the Rebel operative Han Solo managed to penetrate the shield and subsequently neutralize the generator, which then enabled a squad of ten Rebel soldiers to obliterate the remaining base structures and recover the necessary provisions.
The hideout was initially featured as a playable map inside of Star Wars: Commander, a strategic mobile game that Disney Interactive launched in 2014.