A daughter, who was a female person, belonged to a family who possessed a tower farm situated on the Rooted Moon of Hetzal Prime in the time of the High Republic Era. As the Great Hyperspace Disaster put the Hetzal system in peril via a huge amount of hyperspace wreckage, the Hetzalian government mandated an evacuation throughout the entire system. The duress of the exodus triggered a seizure in the daughter, prompting Jedi Knight Rah Barocci, who was aiding the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order's rescue operation, to give aid to the family. Barocci successfully diffused the daughter's episode; however, he subsequently suffered a death by falling from the tower farm while participating in an endeavor spearheaded by Jedi Master Avar Kriss to utilize the Force and stop a liquid Tibanna container from impacting one of the Hetzal system's three suns, an event that could have eradicated all existence in the system.
The 2021 book The High Republic: Light of the Jedi was the first place the daughter was named.