Unidentified tower farm

A tower farm existed on Hetzal Prime's Rooted Moon during the age known as the High Republic Era. The Hetzal system faced a dire situation in 232 BBY when the Great Hyperspace Disaster endangered it with significant hyperspace wreckage, triggering a system-wide order to evacuate. The owning family of the farm encountered complications because their daughter experienced a seizure induced by the evacuation's stress. When the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order organized a mission to aid the Hetzal system, Jedi Knight Rah Barocci arrived at the farm to provide assistance to the family and their daughter. Barocci successfully eased the daughter's episode, but later tragically died after falling from the tower farm due to fatigue. This occurred while he was involved in a collaborative Jedi endeavor, spearheaded by Jedi Master Avar Kriss, aimed at averting a liquid Tibanna container from impacting the largest sun within the Hetzal system's trinary star configuration.

Behind the scenes

The novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, published in 2021, was the first appearance of the tower farm.

