This particular person was a human female officer who was in service to the First Order during their conflict against the Resistance. She was under the command of Colonel Erich S. Datoo and was positioned within the main fire control room of the Starkiller Base superweapon during the time of the Hosnian Cataclysm. While the Starkiller was in the process of siphoning energy from the sun, she communicated to General Armitage Hux that the weapon's charging would be complete in fifteen minutes.
Hannah John-Kamen played this character in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Her participation was verified by the film's end credits. John-Kamen only auditioned a single time for the part, performing a scene that had been written solely for the audition. Her scenes were filmed at Pinewood Studios during 2014. Because the production was shrouded in secrecy, the actress was not informed of the character she would portray until the day of her arrival on set, and she did not receive her portions of the script until later that same day.
Within the fourth edition of the Force Awakens comic adaptation, the phrase "Configure!" is depicted as being yelled by this person, however, in the movie, it is clearly spoken by the male officer positioned a short distance away.