Erich S. Datoo

Erich S. Datoo, a male human officer within the First Order's military, achieved the rank of colonel. In the year 34 ABY, Datoo held the position of supervisor in the primary fire control room of the superweapon known as Starkiller Base, which belonged to the First Order. Acting under the direct orders of Supreme Leader Snoke, he oversaw the firing of the weapon, which destroyed the Hosnian system, the location of the New Republic Galactic Senate. Subsequently, the weapon commenced preparations to target the Ileenium system, the site of the Resistance headquarters; however, Resistance forces then initiated an attack on the superweapon. As the impending destruction of the base became apparent, Datoo expressed surprise upon witnessing Lieutenant Rodinon's attempt to depart the control room, questioning his destination, to which Rodinon retorted that evacuation was necessary for survival, noting that even Commander Hux had already left. The subsequent explosion of Starkiller Base resulted in Datoo's death.

Personality and traits

As a officer, Datoo was methodical, holding the belief that the destructive capability exhibited by Starkiller Base should inspire respect from all First Order personnel. He was seen wearing a First Order Army uniform of teal hue, along with a command cap crested, and an armband on his left arm displaying text in Aurebesh, which commemorated the Imperial Warlord Kaplan.

Behind the scenes

Rocky Marshall played the part of Erich S. Datoo in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which premiered in 2015. While the film did not explicitly identify the character, his name was revealed in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and launched concurrently with the film. The film's home video release subtitles also identify the character by name. Adam Bray created the character's first name for the 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, naming him in honor of Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss.

