A data officer within the Imperial forces, this individual was a Human male during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the well-known Battle of Yavin, this Imperial officer responsible for data was stationed at the Science Outpost situated on the planet Dathomir.
During the Empire Day celebrations in 1 ABY, he encountered an Imperial spacer. This spacer had been dispatched from Rori by an Imperial garrison historian to meet with him. The data officer facilitated a meeting between the Imperial spacer and an Imperial commander located on Yavin 4, enabling the spacer to fulfill their objective concerning a Jedi prisoner.
The Imperial data officer displayed a strong sense of loyalty to the Empire and its Emperor. Sharing a similar viewpoint with Palpatine, he believed that the Jedi were responsible for the corruption of the Old Republic. The data officer held Palpatine's decision to outlaw the Jedi in high regard, admiring his boldness. This admiration was a key factor in his decision to join the Empire.
An Imperial data officer, unnamed officially, made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Imperial data officer was integrated into the game with the release of "Publish 19," on June 29, 2005. During the live Empire Day event in 2005, which ran from June 29 to July 11, 2005, he was present in the Science Outpost and was a part of a quest known as "Happy Empire Day!," which involved sending players on a crucial mission across the galaxy. After the live event's conclusion, the Imperial data officer was removed from the game as the Empire Day event was discontinued until it was reworked in 2008.