Unidentified male Sith Saber (Viun Gaalan)

This Sith Saber, identified as male, belonged to the Lost Tribe of Sith from the planet Kesh, active circa 43 ABY. During that year, the Sith Saber was under the command of Sith Lord Viun Gaalan. Gaalan journeyed to Dathomir with the purpose of extracting Sith apprentice Vestara Khai, the only remaining member of a strike team dispatched to attack Luke Skywalker. Nevertheless, on Dathomir, Skywalker, accompanied by his son Ben, and the Force-sensitive Dyon Stadd, located the Sith and initiated an attack. Ben Skywalker made a sudden charge toward the Sith Saber, but unexpectedly altered his course, which led the man to lose his footing and drop his lightsaber. Subsequently, Stadd discharged four blaster bolts at the Sith; he caught the initial shot with his bare hand, yet failed to intercept the second, which impacted his knee. The third shot struck his shoulder, and the fourth pierced his throat, resulting in his death.

