During the Clone Wars, a specific OOM command battle droid functioned as a commander within the Confederacy of Independent Systems' naval forces. This droid was stationed above the planet Ryloth as part of an orbital blockade, operating under the command of Neimoidian Captain Mar Tuuk. It occurred in 21 BBY that this OOM command battle droid was involved in the defense of the blockade against a Galactic Republic fleet. This fleet was under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, whose objective was to penetrate the blockade and deliver essential supplies to the planet's surface. However, after the Republic forces were compelled to retreat from their initial assault, Tuuk gave instructions to his droid commander to ready the cannons of their Lucrehulk-class Battleship and deploy the battle droids to their designated posts, anticipating Skywalker's eventual return.
Soon after the initial conflict, Skywalker came back aboard the damaged Venator-class Star Destroyer, known as the Defender. The droid was present during a sham negotiation between the Jedi Knight and Tuuk. When the Defender began a collision course with the Separatist command ship, the Neimoidian chose to abandon his flagship in an escape pod, leaving the OOM command battle droid and the other battle droids to their fate.