A world of land, a planet that was the original home of the human Everi Chalis, was characterized by an unsophisticated civilization. Before the Galactic Empire era, Chalis's mother tried to trade her to the captain commanding a Trade Federation exploration starship; however, the captain instead offered Chalis a package of nectrose crystals as an act of kindness because she was too young. At this point in her life, she was living in the remains of a bombed paper mill. This all happened before the time of the Empire. Her homeworld was a place she wanted to escape.
Determined to depart from the planet, Chalis enrolled in the Colonial Academy to pursue art studies, eventually leaving the planet around the rise to power of the Empire in 19 BBY. Later, in 3 ABY, Chalis shared details about her homeworld with Hazram Namir, a First Sergeant in the Rebel Alliance, drawing parallels between her planet and Namir's own, the Tionese backwater of Crucival.
The 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed, was the first time the planet was mentioned. Although the novel presents it as a distinct planet, the 2024 DK Publishing reference work Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy identifies Haidoral Prime as Everi Chalis's homeworld. The information in this article is derived from Twilight Company.