A rag-man of the male persuasion was seen in 4 ABY on the planet Jakku, located within the Inner Rim. Upon Corwin Ballast's arrival on Jakku, the man attempted to scare him, with the intention of taking advantage of the traveler. Ballast, however, displayed his HyCor laser repeater, using his weapon to dismiss the threat. Subsequently, the rag-man abandoned his attempt to intimidate the newcomer, and departed in search of another potential victim.
His physical description included thin, black hair, a chubby face, cracked lips, and a stocky build. His attire consisted of tattered rags, and his face was dusty and marked with scars while he was on Jakku, and used them as clothing.
This rag-man character was featured in Aftermath, a novel released in 2015 by Chuck Wendig, which served as the initial book of the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.