Unidentified ringed planet

A planet with rings existed within the Regani sector, and Osisis Station was in orbit around it, alongside numerous asteroids. Situated within the rings of the planet was Fool's Run, a privately owned racing circuit belonging to the Besalisk Galus Vez.


Following a visit by the rebel group known as the Spectres to Osisis Station, where they sought starship components from Vez, he issued a racing challenge to Hera Syndulla on the Fool's Run. During this race, Vez tried to use asteroid thrusters to damage the Ghost, but Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger employed the Force to redirect asteroids, placing them directly in the path of Vez's starfighter, named the Splendour. This disruption allowed Syndulla to secure victory in the race, yet Vez still declined to provide the requested parts, threatening instead to turn the rebels over to the Galactic Empire. Nevertheless, the Spectres successfully subdued Vez's security detail, compelling him to surrender the necessary components.

Behind the scenes

This ringed planet made its initial appearance in the 2015 canon comic book story, "Ring Race," which was authored by Martin Fisher, with illustrations by Bob Molesworth, and published in Star Wars Rebels Magazine 1.

