A horned, six-legged creature with blue skin inhabited the planet Naboo. Sometime between the years 3 ABY and 4 ABY, several of these creatures launched an assault on Crimson Dawn operatives Ochi and Sabé after the Sith Lord Darth Vader telekinetically threw them from a shuttle. As Vader tried to determine the reason for Sabé's allegiance to the Dawn, she explained that she was in search of stability within the galaxy. Subsequently, Vader employed the Force to levitate several of the beasts. While doing so, Vader challenged Sabé's yearning for order, reminding her that she had previously attempted to kill him but failed. He further remarked that eliminating a single creature would only result in the emergence of a thousand more. At that instant, a fresh group of creatures appeared, thereby illustrating the Sith Lord's argument. Vader then commented that the galaxy's factions must either reach an agreement or face the consequences. Following this, the two creatures commenced fighting each other, and Ochi told Vader that he grasped the Sith Lord's intention: to incite the monsters to cannibalize one another.