A creature resembling a spider inhabited the jungles found on the planet called D'Qar.
This creature's primary body section exhibited a purple color. Emanating from this section were eight legs along with a pair of mandibles. Situated atop this main body part was a sizable head, featuring five independently mobile eyes. A clear, see-through covering surrounded the head. This creature could generate a pink, web-like material from its head. This substance could travel through the transparent cover, allowing the beast to launch it at its intended victims. This substance possessed adhesive qualities, effectively immobilizing its prey.
Regarding its dimensions, this creature significantly surpassed the droid BB-8 in size; BB-8's height was measured at 0.67 meters.
During 34 ABY, the Resistance droid BB-8 became disoriented and lost within the jungle of D'Qar. Eventually, the creature's web ensnared him. Subsequently, the creature moved BB-8 to a web suspended between two towering trees. A smaller shape-shifting creature was already suspended within this web. Following the rescue of BB-8 and the smaller creature, they joined forces to subdue and incapacitate the spider-like entity.